Finally got around to finishing up some class demo projects today. They’ve been under plastic for quite some time.., and I’ve had to spray them several times to keep them workable. But finally done & drying. Finally.

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Finally got around to finishing up some class demo projects today. They’ve been under plastic for quite some time.., and I’ve had to spray them several times to keep them workable. But finally done & drying. Finally.
So apparently there was a little pottery “mishap”
on Christmas Day… I’ll let Allison tell the story…
“Tragic end to Mamma Molloy’s mug before she even opened it. We hosted at our home for Christmas and my brother Ryan and his wife Sarah and Reed came over for a meal and presents with our Mamma who lives down around the corner from us. We were all enjoying Reed, our nephew, being a 14 month old after our meal, stomping around and being curious when he grabbed the bag Mamma’s mug was in (padded mind you), Ryan lifted him up, and then he dropped the bag and I heard CLUNK. And was like, “Oh no. What was that? Was that the bag?” And sure enough, she opened the bag first and it was IT WAS HALF A MUG.
Sarah felt so bad and was apologetic and I felt bad but then thought what would Gary say, “It’s just clay.” She said at least she didn’t have time to get attached. I did investigate it after they left and your centering is VERY good sir. Perfect walls. Quite thin, so it’s light, and apparently very breakable.
Sad for the Christmas chaos this year!! As Sarah says, it’s a very “interactive and fun” time with him but the hands grab EVERYTHING.”
A couple happy pottery peeps… celebrating yesterday with some new pottery! Excited about their red “ornaments” holiday mug… but I think even more excited about the stamped aubergine vase that they got as a gift from Dad! Thanks for sharing your holiday Allison & Michael.
Yes… I had “two side dishes” for our family Christmas meal. So my second offering was a casserole dish full of baked beans… my step-Grandma Rose’s recipe! Yum… and I’m glad there were a few leftovers for my lunch today!!!
Holiday preparations are in the works.
I know what I’m making for tomorrow’s Christmas feast… I’m on “two side dishes.”
The real question is what will they be served in???
Now that the Home Shows are done… it’s time to move to an Online Sale!!! Mark your calendar & set an alarm for tonight at 7:00pm cst for my ONLINE POP-UP HOLIDAY SALE!!! I’ve got a bunch of Christmas Trees, ornaments, mugs, hybrid mugs, bud vases, lidded jars & plates to post this evening. It’s going to be an old-school sale on my Facebook page… first-come, first-served. Just 10 hours away!!!
Check it our here…
And yes… there might just be a few “leftovers” from this weekend’s sale!!! So it might just be time for a quick POP-UP HOLIDAY SALE right here on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page! I’ll try my best to pull it all together tonight… doing photos, measurements, descriptions, etc. Then tomorrow night at 7:00pm central the sale will go live! Hopefully with a good selection of Christmas Trees, ornaments, mugs & more! Mark your calendar… set a reminder!
Check here…
I’ve always said that I have the best customers, groupies & friends! With a huge THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by this weekend for a little holiday shopping! You guys kicked-off my holiday season with a grand showing of encouragement, support & friendship! You guys rock!!! Thanks again… and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
Early morning sun streaming through my dining room windows! Spreading light upon lots of pottery hoping to find new homes this weekend! It’s the perfect weekend to finish your holiday gift shopping!!! C’mon over… 10:00am-6:00pm today & tomorrow!
The perfect gift for those plant lovers on your holiday shopping list – NEW for this weekend’s SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! I’ve selected a few of my pottery pieces and planted them up with some houseplants… all ready to go! The perfect gift to brighten someone’s house for years to come. As long as they splash a bit of water now & again… and don’t worry, they all have drainage holes too!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 |