Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food, friends, holiday, platters, pottery, stamped

Looks like I wasn’t the only one who made homemade chocolate chip cookies for New Years Eve! My friends Mike & Patty also made a batch… and served them on one of my stamped platters! As everyone knows that homemade food tastes even better on handmade pottery! Even Casey their boxer had his eye on them!

Categories: food, Mom, platters, stamped, Taylor

It’s the end of the year and I’m busy making a big batch of chocolate chip cookies for tonight’s festivities. Reminiscing about yummy cookies… how my Mom used to bake them for my art fairs… how my niece Taylor has occasionally taken over “cookie duty”… and so many other end-of-the-year thoughts. Seems like the perfect time for cookies!

Categories: food, platters

As part of yesterday’s Christmas celebration, my family decided to go with pajamas & breakfast foods for dinner! And you know how much I LOVE a good theme… so for my dessert I made a new Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake! Layered with cinnamon throughout & a creamy cheesecake frosting on top!

Categories: art fair, platters, pottery, stamped
Categories: bowls, food, platters, pottery

Today was the first day of my SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW.
Sure, we had a LOT of pottery & jewelry for everyone… but we also had plenty of snacks & treats. Yes, lots of handmade cookies, OREOs & chocolate… but we also had some veggies for those trying to be good. Food always tastes better when served on handmade pottery! More treats tomorrow…

Any guesses of which plates emptied first???

Categories: food, friends, platters

And what better way to celebrate than with some yummy cookies
on a pretty green platter?! One of my green, stamped platters with my friend Kristen’s cookies!!!
A perfect combination!

Categories: food, friends, platters, pottery

For Kristen’s “First Dibs” Pottery Sale & Open House last night, she sent out electronic invitations… and reminders. But then she tempted me… err, I mean taunted me… with this photo. Yummy brownies on one of my platters!!! So… I had to go now, right?! It would have “rude” not to!!! HA!!!

Categories: classes, food, platters, pottery, stamped

Tonight was the last class for my Beginning Wheelthrowing class… celebrating again with a potluck & a “trading-stealing-exchanging” game. Category for the trade was a “not-so-basic bowl”. While the theme for our potluck was “Dips And The Vehicle To Get Them In Your Mouth .”

I decided to up-my-game, and yet stay brand loyal… with Hot Cocoa OREO’s and a fluffy Hot Cocoa Dip!!! A double whammy of yummy goodness!!!

Categories: holiday, platters, stamped

Here’s the TRICK… have a great day, play in your costume, collect a lot of candy & fill your plate with some wonderful TREATS!!!

Categories: classes, food, platters, stamped

While we do get some pottery done in my classes, we do like our sweet treats too! And last night Jen brought a huge bag of “freshly-picked-that-morning” apples to class for all of us! Heirloom & organic from her family’s farm… two varieties… and so many we all left with a bag full! So nice, so yummy… thanks Jen!!! They might just wash down some of the cookies & candies we’ve been eating in class lately! HA!