Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, platters, textures, tools

While we’re in-between sessions at Lillstreet, it still seems like the perfect chance to show-off one of my Intemediate students and her handiwork! While sharing my MKM Pottery Tools with my class, Jen decided to make a “quick” handbuilt platter using a couple of my MKM hand rollers. Jen is normally a “wheelthrower”… so she assumed this would be a “quick” project to crank out. But quickly found out that handbuilding takes time & patience as well… with a lot of attachments & things to clean-up. But look at this textured plate… it’s AMAZING Jen!!!

Categories: platters, surface decoration

As seen on the Lillstreet Show-Off Shelves! You may remember these plates from the LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class when they were tasked with slip-trialing a set of two dinner plates. These fun dandelion seed pod plates turned out great… as the last time we saw them they were plain bisque. Shannon did a GREAT job glazing these… especially with the labor-intensive task of using wax resist on every seed before dipping in the celadon glaze! Congrats Shannon… it was worth the extra effort!!!

Categories: food, holiday, platters, stamped

You know how much I LOVE a good National Holiday! Especially when it’s one of my favorites. Today is NATIONAL OREO DAY! Too hard to choose one… so I had to “celebrate “ with three flavors!!! Aww, shucks!

Categories: art fair, platters

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who came up to Evanston for our “4×4 : FOUR MAKERS” show this past weekend. We had so much fun seeing everyone… Sarah, Darlys, Robin & I were so pleased with the turn-out. Another successful show with a lot of handmade “masterpieces” finding their new forever homes! Thanks again… we’ll see you again next year!

Categories: classes, platters, studio

So apparently THIS is what happens when you do a platter demo for your Tuesday night wheelthrowing class… you don’t wire it off the bat… you run it upstairs to your studio to get it out of the way… planning to wrap it in plastic after class… back to more teaching & helping people in class… get busy… get distracted… hoping to remember the platter… but you don’t?!!! A few days later… finding it… and it looks like this!!! HA!!! Who knew?… well, all of us! But it happens… luckily, “it’s just clay”!!!

Categories: classes, platters, surface decoration

Look art Maya’s MASTERPIECE!!! She’s been in my Intermediate Wheeltrowing class for a couple sessions… entering with a plan to make this wonderful collection of platters for her wall at home. We worked on improving her platter-making techniques, as well as surface decorations & glazing. It was a labor of love for Maya… and now I LOVE IT TOO!!! Well done Maya!!! You’ve outdone yourself!

Categories: classes, platters, surface decoration

Huge congratulations to Taylor in my THROWDOWN class… as this is her very first plate AND her first time doing slip trailing!!! And look how great her very first plate turned out!!! Well done Taylor!

Categories: food, platters, soda-fired, stamped

Celebrating NATIONAL CHOCOLATE CAKE DAY… with an ooey-gooey chocolate, marshmallow fluff & fudge cake! My traditional birthday cake… but I made it this time to celebrate my Cousin Kim’s big birthday… a week early… SURPRISE!!!

Categories: platters, stamped

Celebrating a little TEXTURE TUESDAY with a quick-pick of Rosene’s platter… with more than a few stamped impressions! Pretty enough… but always prettier with a big chocolate cake on top!!! Just sayin’… hint, hint…

Categories: food, friends, platters

Homemade food always tastes better on handmade pottery!
And I’m sure Matthew’s pear tart was AMAZING!!!