Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: My Talented Friends, platters, surface decoration

I had thrown a large platter for a class demo… and then it “lived under plastic” for a bit too long, getting too dry to stamp. So I gave it to my friend & former student to work her magic on. Kristen has been doing wonderful carving techniques on her pots, but mostly smaller mugs & bowls. I thought it might be fun to challenge her with a larger surface to decorate. And she did NOT disappoint!!! The platter looks AMAZING with her beautiful carvings all around the rim. It’s now back in my studio and I need to figure out where to go from here. To glaze or soda-fire, that is the question…

Check-out more of Kristen’s amazing work on Instagram… @kayhoceramics

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps, textures

After the “surprise” rain this afternoon… it was back into the studio to do a little more platter stamping. Changing a plain wheelthrown platter into a decoratively textured platter. All with just one handmade clay stamp pressed in over & over & over again!

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps, textures

By now you know my mantra… MORE IS MORE.

Why stop with a smooth platter with a good spiral?… when you could create a cool texture?! So much more fun when you start stamping with one handmade stamp. One stamp, two stamp, three stamp, more! Over & over & over again… just one stamped impression at a time!

Categories: holiday, platters, stamped

Not only is today JUNETEENTH… but it is also the last day of NATIONAL CLAY WEEK… who knew?! So I hope you’ve taken some time to play in the clay, admire some ceramics or enjoyed your meals off of some handmade pottery this week! You still have time today… and send me photos if you use any of my pottery today! Enjoy today’s holidays!

Categories: art fair, platters, pottery, stamped

Starting TOMORROW!!! I’m packing up now, loading car with tons of pots & headed to Sandwich soon to start setting up! Looking forward to a great weekend as part of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR again this year. Hoping to see a lot of pottery-loving folks this weekend… come on by the Sandwich location first… and then head to the rest!!!

Categories: art fair, platters, stamped

One last reminder! Hope to see some of you this weekend in Hinsdale!!! Even if it rains… as pottery looks even better when it’s wet!!! HA!!!

Categories: art fair, platters, stamped

Mark your calendars for this weekend in Hinsdale… another weekend, another art fair! We’re in a beautiful park this time with plenty of trees, flowers & a fountain in the middle! I’m in the same spot as usual, so swing by and say “Hi.”

Categories: classes, platters, textures

Last night in class, I did a couple demos of plates & platters. One of the plates was kinda plain… so I decided to add some thick white slip & chatter through it with a rubber rib.

Categories: classes, platters, sgraffito

My final class demo for my SURFACE DECORATION class last Thursday was a fun & colorful floral pattern. I used black, red & green slip… and let it dry to a stiffer leatherheard surface. And then started carving through the layers with my DiamondCore Tools. It was a fun platter to work on… my first time doing a multi-colored sgraffito piece. I’m pretty pleased with this new direction… although I feel it still needs some more detailing & clean-up. I might just need to make more of these…

Categories: classes, platters, sgraffito, tools

After the sgraffito bowl, I went for a more geometric treatment of a larger dinner plate… carving through the band of black slip to reveal a pattern of the lighter clay body. Just trying to show my students that there are different styles… and that not all sgraffito needs to be so illustrative. Again, carving clean lines & smooth curves with my DiamondCore Tools.