Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: platters, stamped

Fresh from the kiln… ready for this weekend!!!

Categories: platters, surface decoration, tools

Oh, what to do when the class demo platter being safely stored under plastic stays under a little longer than you expected… maybe six weeks?…and now it’s too firm to stamp?! Time to pull out my favorite DiamondCore Tools to do a little texture carving! And I’m kinda diggin’ it… gonna need to make more like this!!!

Categories: holiday, platters, stamped

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
Hope you surround yourself with family, friends, food & everything that makes you smile.
Be thankful. Be grateful. Be happy.

Categories: glaze, platters, stamped, surface decoration, textures

Now THAT’s a lot of stamps!!! Actually, the surface decoration was created with just one of my handmade clay stamps. Pressed into the rim one-by-one, by one, by one, by one… all the way around a couple times! Fresh out of the kiln… again with my new favorite glaze… at least for this week!!! HA!!!

Categories: glaze, platters, stamped, surface decoration, textures

A new platter with a new glaze! Fresh out of the kiln… and I’m LOVING this glaze as it seems to highlight all of the stamped textures & grooved areas so sweetly. Mental note to self… must make more like this!!!

Categories: glaze, platters, surface decoration

A fun new textured platter with a swirling textured surface. Love how the chattered-slip pattern works so well with the “watery” feeling of the new glaze… pooling & puddling in all the right places!

Categories: food, platters

While this is the last week of classes at Lillstreet, both of my classes celebrated with a fun potluck. Monday we did a Thanksgiving theme… but sadly, this one didn’t make it to the party?! Apparently it didn’t turn out quite right??? So Kristen’s “Pecan Pie Upside-Down Cake” may have been a little too much down?… and not enough upside???

I said I would have still eaten it. Looks good to me!!! 🤣

Categories: classes, platters

As this is the last week of the Fall session of classes at Lillstreet, my Intermediate Wheel class did a fun “trading-exchanging-stealing game” with platters!!! You bring a platter, then play the game & go home with someone else’s masterpiece!!! So much with such beautiful platters!!!

I came home with the beautiful slate-blue platter with a subtle water-etched motif made by Kristen. While Christine & Abena went home with each others!!!

Categories: platters, stamped, stamps, surface decoration

After “warming up” with stamping a dinner plate, it was time to tackle a larger platter. A blank canvas… then a couple stamps using my own handmade stamp. Sure I coulda stopped after on ring around the perimeter… but what fun would that be???

Categories: platters, stamped, surface decoration

Started with a little stamping in the studio tonight. Just adding a little “fun” to a dinner plate demo from class this week! And you know how I love a good spiral.