Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: ornaments

Some say diversion, some say productive…
either way, tonight found myself adding some inlaid tenmoku glaze
to my latest batch of wheelthrown & stamped ornaments for no apparent reason.

Did I need to do them tonight?… NO.
Did I enjoy the random tangent… of course!
It’s never too early to make Christmas ornaments, right?

Categories: kiln firing, ornaments, process, studio

As I was leaving the studio today, I left this festive “bowl-full-of-fun” in the kiln room just In case someone has room in their bisque kiln. I’m guessing these might there for quite awhile… luckily, dust will burn right off!!!

Categories: ornaments, production

When I first started making this batch of ornaments, I thought I was getting a headstart. Now I fear with everything getting cancelled… that I might be right on schedule for the next art fairs that “might be” running!??? This is just plain WEIRD!!!

Categories: ornaments, process, production, studio, tools

Trimming & finishing some stuff today. Trying to get a bunch of stuff done in the studio. So much easier with my Bison Trimming Tools & Giffin Grip!!

Categories: ornaments

Its never too soon to start making more Christmas ornaments, right? Even if today is supposed to warm up into the fifties?!!! Which means I’m throwing this morning… before I head out this afternoon for a “warm” lakefront bike ride!!!

Categories: artists, classes, ornaments

So excited that Christine’s latest batch of ornaments came out of the kiln beautifully just in time for Christmas! She made her first ornaments in my class last session and soda-fired them in my kiln. But now this batch she played even more with underglazes with a clear glaze in a high-fire kiln. Very festive & very fun!!!

Categories: ornaments, soda-fired, stamped

There’s always room for one more ornament… so remember that your tree would look better with a handmade, wheelthrown & soda-fired ornament on it… or two, or three… And not-quite-coincidentally, I’m hosting my last HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this Saturday from 10:00am-6:00pm. My friend Amy Taylor will be joining me with all of her beautiful jewelry too!

Categories: ornaments

After dinner, I helped my Dad put up his Christmas tree…and ran across some of the crafty ornaments I made when I was a bit younger. The vintage family ornament collection!!! Yes… I did a LOT of macrame back in the day!!!

And yes, nothing says Christmas like six different kinds of pasta, glue, white paint and a thumbtack!!!

Categories: art fair, ornaments, pottery, soda-fired

Huge THANKS to everyone who came out this weekend for my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW. So much fun to kick-off the holiday season with so many friendly faces sharing stories, sharing yummies & sharing our love for pottery!!! More holiday fun to come…

Categories: classes, ornaments, soda-fired

So remember how I made a deal with my students and only Christine took me up on it… and she got to soda-fire her ornaments in MY soda kiln?! Well here’s her very first batch of wheelthrown ornaments EVER!!! She did a good amount of underglaze ombre gradations… too bad several of the colors burnt out and disappeared. Still beautiful. Still festive. Still SO CUTE!!!

She has a lot of fun… and a LOT of questions about soda-firing. So much fun to share the excitement of soda-firing with someone who loves to learn everything!!! I think she got some great results… and hopefully will continue on with her soda-firing enthusiasm!