Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, nature

Pedaling through prairies & wildflowers this afternoon… amazed at the colors & textures already blooming out there. The wildflowers were amazing… but let’s just say, that red-winged blackbird was NOT so happy to see me there! Protecting his area… screeching & dive-bombing at me… telling me to move on away from his territory!

Categories: nature

A beautiful afternoon of biking away from the lakefront for a scenic change of pace. Enjoyed the tranquility pedaling through some of the lakes & ponds out in the forest preserves!

Categories: flowers, nature, seasons

Pretty little flowers in the garden with their intoxicating scent.
It’s Lily-Of-The-Valley season!!!

Categories: nature, pottery

Sure, there may have been a bit of rain this weekend during the Minnesota Pottery Tour… but pottery always looks better when it’s wet!!! Plus, I kinda loved the rain drops splashing on the black platter & filling the white bowl… and the rain “shadows” on the wooden shelving.

Categories: flowers, nature

With the Minnesota weather being a little colder than Chicago’s… it was fun to see their crabapple trees just starting to bloom as ours are already starting to peter-out. These two flowering trees were at Guillermo’s stop along the Minnesota Pottery Tour.

Categories: nature

One of my all-time favorite trees… stunning Redbud Trees in full bloom along the lakefront bike trail. I love how flowers that grow along all of the branches… as well as the graceful sweeping & arching shapes the branches make. A beautiful area full of Spring colors & natural beauty. It doesn’t get much better than this!!!

Categories: flowers, nature

A colorful contrast of colors & textures. With shiny green leaves on crusty wooden vines… and colorful crabapple flowers in stark contrast to the beautiful blue skies!

Categories: nature

Blue skies. Warm breezes. Another great day of pedaling along the lakefront.

Categories: nature, textures

Celebrating a little TEXTURE TUESDAY with these crazy-cool leaves sprouting out on sumac branches in the neighborhood.

Categories: flowers, nature, seasons

Celebrating a little bit of EARTH DAY today with admiration & appreciation of the beautiful Spring flowers along the bike trail this morning. Crab apple blossoms to start your Saturday… and your Earth Day! So go outside… and see something beautiful in nature!