Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Celebrating a little Mugshot Monday today with some “found flowers.” I’m not above “saving” some special event flowers from the trash to let them live a little longer in my studio! And I have plenty of mugs that will work as a fun vase for a few days!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

While another bisque kiln is firing, this first batch is ready to start glazing.
Lined up & ready for the first step… doing a little glaze inlay into the stamped impressions.

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, television

Working in the studio adding some colored slip accents & details to my mugs. Celebrating Mughshot Monday… and what better time to watch “The Great Canadian Pottery Throwdown” watching potters succeed & fail on Reality TV. Also fun to see that my Lillstreet Throwdown’ers had already done some of the same challenges in their class!!!

Categories: color, holiday, mugs

A week after St. Patrick’s Day, and it looks like Matthew is still celebrating with his new Shamrock Mug… with a festive sipper & the wearin’ of the green!!!

Categories: hybrid mugs, mugs, process, production

Handles attached and setting-up a bit. A lot of scoring & slipping… attaching & smoothing.

I tell my students all the time… I love making handles & I love making mugs.
Two relatively unpopular opinions!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Handles pulled…looped over… and starting to set-up
before I begin attaching them to the newest batch of hybrid mugs!

Categories: hybrid mugs, mugs, process, production

Hybrid mugs moving another step forward…
after going back on the wheel for some nicely trimmed footrings.

Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE trimming??? Well, I do!!

Categories: hybrid mugs, mugs, process, production, textures

Texture, texture… TEXTURE. Yep, a lot of that going on in the studio today! Assembling my latest batch of “hybrid mugs” with great textures made with my MKM Pottery Tools! Wheelthrown bottoms with handbuilt sides… combining to make my “hybrid mugs”!

Categories: hybrid mugs, mugs, tools

For those of you attending NCECA this week… the national clay educators conference & trade show… be sure to check-out the folks at MKM POTTERY TOOLS! They’ve got some amazing hand rollers to try out… and some fun postcards they’re passing out!!!

Hey, lookey there… it’s ME!!! …and some of my soda-fired “hybrid mugs” on the MKM postcards!

Categories: classes, mugs

As part of our final classes each session, I like to have a little fun with my students doing a “white elephant” trading-stealing-exchanging game! Tonight with my Beginners, the category was a handmade mug. And I came home with this beauty made by Maryanna! Which let me just say… worked perfectly to hold my hot fudge sundae during our potluck… a couple times… burp!