Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food, mugs

Looks like Diane is enjoying some Sunday sweets… cake & frosting… two of my favorite things! Paired with some coffee… not my thing… in one of my shamrock mugs from last year… definitely one of my favorite things!!!

Mental note to self… gotta make more shamrock mugs for THIS year!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, wheelthrowing

So it’s Monday… and it feels great to be back in the studio being productive again! Getting back into the groove!!! It was a long break, so it feels great to have my hands back in the clay! And to “practice throwing” again… as the new session of classes starts tonight at Lillstreet!!! And I don’t want to look too “rusty” for my Intermediate Wheel students tonight!!!

Categories: food, friends, mugs, soda-fired

Warming up a chilly Sunday night… looks like Gerry & Rosene are cooking up some yummy hot cocoa in their new “hybrid” mugs! I mean, who doesn’t like chocolate & marshmallows?!

Categories: color, mugs

Celebrating a new Mugshot Monday with this great shot of Donna’s new purple mug… which surprisingly matches her Kitchen-Aid stand mixer!

Categories: mugs

Looks like Kelly is kicking off her New Year with a quiet moment, a cozy blanket and a warm cup of coffee in her new mug! A fun “surprise” Christmas gift from her daughter Merryn!

Categories: food, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Another gray gloomy day, although a bit warmer… so I think it might be a good day to start taking down the Holiday Home Show AND my Christmas decorations! But first… a little hot chocolate pick-me-up with a large handmade marshmallow!

Categories: mugs

One of the down-sides to packing & shipping pottery is the fear of breaking something that a customer has already paid for while packing it! Luckily, knock on wood… that has not happened yet. However… this time the mug NEXT TO the purchased mug was the one that went down!!! ugh.

On an up-side…. we can now see the inside if a mug?
I guess my wall thickness looks pretty thin & even?!

Categories: food, mugs

Looks like Allison is celebrating another MUGSHOT MONDAY with a yummy Stroopwafel moment. Glad to see that my mug is the perfect size for warming up her Stroopwafel… so that the caramel begins to melt & seep out the edges!!! Yum.

Categories: food, friends, mugs

One of the “hidden” benefits of hosting a Holiday Home Show is when people bring you gifts! As a non-coffee & non-tea drinker, I may be late to the Stroopwaffle craze?!

But my friend Tracy brought me a package knowing that I would have hot apple cider for my Home Show. Apparently the idea is you put one of these Stroopwaffles on top of your cup of hot beverage… which in turn melts the yummy caramel layer inside! And yes, now I see what I’ve been missing!!! Thanks again Tracy for the yummy treat… for the non-caffeinated potter!!!

Categories: food, mugs

A chilly morning… but it looks like Rachel is staying warm & toasty with her hot cocoa & marshmallows! As always… handmade pottery makes every morning ritual even better… and more scrumptious!!!