Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: challenge, food, friends, mugs

So while I was working on these new mugs… look what showed up!!! WHOO-HOO!!! I had a surprise visit from master tile-maker Mike Skiersch bearing a pack of the newest flavor of OREO’s!!! Which also means he WON a free mug… as I had posted that challenge a couple days ago!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped, surface decoration

Another day of making mugs! Adding handles & adding colored flashing slip accents. A band of color around the top & a dab of colored slip on each stamp. If all goes well, this flashing slip with change to vibrant shades of gold in an upcoming soda firing!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Score, slip, attach, repeat… repeat… repeat. Mug handles all attached & ready to start drying slowly! Just in time to make it downstairs to teach class tonight! The perfect way to celebrate another Mugshot Monday!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Handles pulled & looped over so they can start setting-up. I like to loop them like this so they “dry” a bit with the curve already established before attaching them to the mugs. A little bit of finesse is needed while attaching them later… but most of the handle curve is already there!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Here we go again… another day of adding handles onto mugs! You know mugs are my FAVORITE thing to make… so here we go! Starting with these carrot-shaped nuggets of clay getting ready to pull handles the old-fashioned way!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Doing a little “detailing” with some colored flashing slip. A wide band around the top… and then a little dab in every stamped impression! A fun way to get some work done on another Mugshot Monday!

Categories: classes, mugs

So last night in my Beginning Wheel class, some of my students tackled trimming, pulling handles & assembling their very first mugs!!! Not bad for their second class… I think we’re off to a good start!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Another batch of cylinders working their way towards becoming mugs! Too wet to stamp now… but I feel some “shamrock stamps” might just be headed their way!!!

Categories: family, friends, mugs

Celebrating another Mugshot Monday… with a purple mug & these sweet words from my long-time friend Kelly…

“This is how you and I hold hands… sometimes over a warm cup of hot tea, this morning coffee.” so sweet Kelly!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production