Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: handbuilding, mugs, soda-fired, stamped, surface decoration, wheelthrowing

Just a few of my newest “hybrid” mugs fresh out of the soda kiln! Celebrating a little Texture Tuesday with these fun patterns created with hand rollers from MKM Pottery Tools. My “hybrid” mugs are a combination of wheelthrown & handbuilt parts & pieces… my newest obsession in mug-making!!!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped, textures

Celebrating a little MUGSHOT MONDAY with a pair of new “hybrid” mugs fresh out of my latest soda kiln. Loving this new texture from MKM Pottery Tools … and how the soda-firing process creates great colors & accents on the unglazed exterior!

Categories: kiln firing, mugs, soda-fired

The soda kiln has been emptied… with plenty of new pots ready to prep, price & pack for upcoming shows. Overall a beautiful soda-firing. I love all of the brighter colors that grab my attention while unloading! Such a fun treasure hunt!!! Okay, so there were two “casualties” with globs of soda goo & chunks of who-knows-what in them… but enough about that… back to pretty mugs!!! Here’s a fun stack of new mugs… and one beauty that might just need to join my own personal collection???

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production, stamped

A little early morning glazing! Flower pots now with a liner glaze & inlaid glaze in the stamps… both with my favorite tenmoku.

Next up for these?… wadding!!!

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production

This batch of stamped mugs now has inlaid glaze in all the stamped impressions.

Next up?… tenmoku liner glazing! I like to work in an “assembly line” kind of process.
Finish one step, then move onto the next.

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production

Glaze on… glaze off. Busy putting tenmoku glaze into the stamped impressions on my mugs. I like how the dark inlaid glaze really makes the stamped textures show up so much better!

Categories: color, kiln firing, mugs, pottery, process, production, stamped

Definitely feeling the Spring vibes here with some colored slip accents on my bisqued mugs. Getting ready start glazing these… inlaid glaze in the stamps & a tenmoku liner glaze. Then it’s off to the soda kiln this weekend where these colored slips will react & flash with the soda atmosphere during firing. The colors should become darker, richer & more saturated… if all goes as planned?!

Categories: flowers, mugs

Looks like Leigh is doing a little Monday-caffeinating on another MUGSHOT MONDAY. Kicking off her day with some Spring flowers along with a stamped & soda-fired mug by you know who!

Categories: color, mugs, process, production, stamped

Sure, I could leave the mugs plain… and worry about adding some color when I glaze them. But since these are destined for the soda kiln… I’d rather give them some color now with colored slips that will change as the flames touch them in the kiln… depositing the soda mixture that will also “glaze’ the exteriors!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Scored & slipped… handles attached! We officially have more mugs!!!
A labor of love… as in “I truly love making mugs!”