Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, mugs, pottery

Celebrating a little MUGSHOT MONDAY with this cute little “curated” shelf of mugs, cups & the perfect mini vase for one single zinnia bloom. Thanks for sharing Kristy!

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production

Stamps inlaid with glazes & wiped clean… now to add a liner glaze of tenmoku to match!

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production, stamped

Starting off today with a batch of mugs that need to be glazed & wadded. I’ve applied a layer of tenmoku glaze into all of the stamped impressions to help accentuate the textures & patterns. Now to wipe it off… leaving the glaze inlaid in the stamps!

Categories: mugs, process, production

After assembling, I dipped the exterior of my “hybrid mugs” in some thin flashing slip. After soda-firing, these colored slips will change colors & accentuate the stamped textures!

Categories: mugs, patterns, production, stamped, textures, tools

“Hybrid mugs” assembled, trimmed & handled… and the MKM Pottery Tools that did most of the hard work. Sure, I might have had a tiny-something to do with it too?! But having good tools always makes it more fun!!!

Categories: classes, mugs

Last night my Wheelthrowing Beginners trimmed & added handles to make their first mugs with me! Not bad for their second class of the new Summer session, huh?!

Categories: clay, mugs, process, production, stamped

After playing outside all day, I just had to get into the studio tonight to get a bit of work done. So I’m tackling a new batch of mugs… shocker, I know… but this time I’m trying out a new clay body!!! Sure, I coulda done a test tile or something first. But that just not how I roll. I’m all in!!!

I typically use a lot of B-Clay… but the last time I bought clay from Continental Clay they suggested “B-Clay with Grog.” It threw beautifully, seems to be drying a bit faster… and I can’t wait to see how it reacts in the soda kiln!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Finished painting some accents of colored flashing slips on this latest batch of mugs. These color-painted areas will “flash” with colors & soda effects after firing in the soda kiln. But first… they need to dry & be bisque fired.

Categories: mugs, process, production

Handles attached… and now this latest set of mugs is waiting for a few accents of colored flashing slip. Next up I’ll paint on some different colored flashing slips that will react with the soda atmosphere during my next soda firing.

Categories: mugs, process, production

Pulling handles, looping them over and standing them up so they can set-up a bit. I want them to be malleable, but no longer squishy or sticky. And by looping them over this way I’ve set the curve to the most part… final curves made after attaching to the mug!