Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, lillstreet

We’re still 22 days away from the official start of Spring…
but registration is already open for the Spring Session of my Beginning Wheelthrowing Class!!! We start up again on Tuesday, April 7th for another 10-weeks of fun. Don’t miss out… and don’t end up on the Waiting List!!!

Click here to register online at

Categories: classes, lillstreet

I’m sure you’re running around with a lot of things going on for the holidays, but…
What are you going to do in January?

Why not buy yourself an early Christmas gift and take a pottery class with me!
Registration is already open for my Tuesday night Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing Class that starts in January. Sign up soon… no one wants to miss out on the fun. Santa’s List, yes. Waiting List, no.

Click here to register online.

Categories: artists, gallery, lillstreet, patterns

You know I love color, texture, repetition & whimsy.
Needless to say, I’m really diggin’ the latest show in the Lillstreet Gallery Annex.
Upstairs on the second floor, there is this wonderful installation piece that I need to pass through everyday to get to my studio. It’s a collage made of advertising photos and pins!!! No glue. Just pins stuck in the wall. The artist, Stacia Yeapanis, is here at least twice a week through the rest of November to continue her installation. The show ends with a Closing Reeception on December 5th where everyone can help pull the pins!

From the Lillstreet promo flyers…
In her ongoing series of collage installations, Stacia Yeapanis creates large-scale abstractions by pinning repetitive images cut from magazines directly to the gallery wall. The images in advertisements and lifestyle articles are intended by their producers to create new desires and manipulate existing ones in consumers. By cutting, organizing and remixing the images, Yeapanis turns the act of consuming into one of creating.

I especially love how it “creeps” and grows throughout the weeks. What started as just a few snippets has “grown” into a beautiful work of art on the walls, in the corners and encroaching on every part of the gallery space.

At the end of the gallery show, Stacia will be pulling pins. The pieces will literally be “falling off the wall.” T-pins everywhere! And the wonderful shadows the T-pins created?… gone along with Stacia on December 5th!!!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Hard to believe, but it’s already time to start planning for Fall.
And it’s time to consider taking a pottery class. Come play in the clay with us!!!
The Fall Session of my class will begin on Tuesday, September 9th, 2014.

I will once again be teaching my Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing class. It’s a ten-week class, so we’ll cover all the basics from start-to-finish for the brand new beginners. For those who have a good start, we’ll push a little further and try a few more “advanced” projects. I’m open for anything, and our class syllabus is always built off of who we have in class. Plus, as an added bonus, you also get full access to Open Studio hours. So you can come in and practice every day of the week!!!

Sign up and pay in full for adult fall 2014 classes by August 24 and save $20 on any 10-week class or $10 on any 5-week class. Click here to register online!

And sign-up early as my class typically fills up fast.
Don’t get stuck on the waiting list!!!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Today’s the last day to sneak in and snatch-up the “early bird discount” on Summer Classes at Lillstreet Art Center. My Tuesday night Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing Class is filling up fast!!! Don’t miss out on my class OR the discount!!!

Click here for online registration.

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Sign-up today for a fun summer!
Take a class at Lillstreet Art Center. Come play in the mud with me every Tuesday night for Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing class. If you sign-up soon, you can still get the discounted price!!! If you wait too long, you’ll miss the discount and risk ending up on my Waiting List?! No fun there.

My class session begins on June 17th… and lasts for a full 10-weeks!!!
Click here to go straight to online registration.

Categories: bowls, lillstreet

Tomorrow night is the Empty Bowls Project fundraiser at Lillstreet from 5:00-8:00pm. Hundreds & hundreds of handmade ceramic bowls to choose from. I’ve donated these twelve bowls for the fundraiser. Stop by tomorrow to purchase a bowl, fill it with some great soup & bread from “First Slice”… and help a great cause!

The Empty Bowls Project is a nationwide effort by potters to end hunger. Lillstreet Art Center is proud to host this 7th annual event to benefit First Slice, a local hunger-fighting organization. Stop in for a modest meal of soup and bread, served in a bowl donated by a ceramic artist that you may take home as a reminder of all the other bowls you will have helped to fill. Bowls will be $25 each, and there is no limit to the number of bowls you may purchase. Sales begin at 5:00pm on a first-come, first-served basis.

Lillstreet Art Center – 4401 North Ravenswood (at Montrose), Chicago, IL 60640
Empty Bowls – Friday, April 11, 2014 from 5:00-8:00pm.

Categories: classes, lillstreet, pottery

Register for my wheelthrowing class quickly and save some money!!!

Yep, I will once again be teaching my Beginning & Advanced Beginning Wheelthrowing next session at Lillstreet Art Center. My class is on Tuesday nights from 7:00pm-10:00pm. It’s pretty much for “beginners” of all levels. Whether you’ve thrown on a wheel before or not… whether you’ve ever touched clay before or not… or just like to play in the mud!

Registration is already open – and my class is filling up fast! Don’t miss out!!!
Click here for online registration.

Categories: artists, creativity, lillstreet, sculpture

Tonight was the opening reception for “Sense Of Scale” at Lillstreet Art Center.
Celebrating the work of four inspired metalsmiths – and the beautiful work they make in metal.
Whether it’s sculptural pieces or wearable art, they are all wonderful beauties!

Of course, my favorite metalsmith Sarah Chapman was one of the celebrated artists!
Always making beautiful pieces, it was great to see her work on a larger scale – creating a textured metal constellation piece with beautiful insets of stitched stones & pearls. Additionally, the smaller glass cases had many of her jewelry pieces on display. For more of Sarah Chapman‘s beautiful work, click here for her website.

Sure, the installation grouping is wonderful. But the real beauty is in the details.
Textures. Colors. Architectural designs.

The second metalsmith was Darlys Ewoldt. I’ve seen here around Lillstreet, especially during Summer Camp working with the kids. I must admit that I was unaware of her larger, sculptural works. Her large sculptures were amazing. Great swirling movement and beautiful patina colors. For more of Darlys Ewoldt‘s work, click here for her website.

Sculptural crocheted wire pieces by Heejin Hwang were hanging from the wall & ceiling. Heejin was an Artist In Residence last year at Lillstreet, and is now teaching classes. I love the “hollow” volume of each, and even more, the “shaggy” layers of metal pieces at the top. For more information on Heejin Hwang‘s work, click here for her website.

One of my “crazy” favorites is the sculptural works of Stacey Lee Webber. She was also a Lillstreet Artist-In-Residence a few years back. Everyone was quickly enamored with her quirky style and use of everyday metal objects to create her unique works of art. Coins. Screws. Pennies. In fact… she once constructed a full-size ladder out of copper pennies!!! But I digress… for more of Stacey Lee Webber‘s work, click here for her website.

Like this wonderful bouquet made of screws… whether bundled together…
or flattened out to become the petals of the flowers!

Chain link necklaces made of copper pennies… or gold-plated screws!

Or a large installation piece dripping with chains made of coins… AFTER the faces have been cut out of each coin. YES – ACTUAL REAL COINS!!! So the chain of coins is draped on the left… and the Presidential coin heads on the right!!!

All in all, a wonderful show opening tonight at Lillstreet. It was great to see some of our favorite metalsmiths show off their larger “sculptural” style… along with their smaller jewelry pieces. Be sure to stop by Lillstreet to see this fantastic metal show.

“Sense Of Scale: Metal Sculpture and Wearable Art” through March 2, 2014.

Categories: classes, lillstreet, mugs

Tonight my class tackled pulling handles & adding them to their basic cylinders
from Week One. So now it’s only Week Two and they’ve already made MUGS!!!
I think they’re off to a great start!!!