Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: lidded jars, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

A few more pieces that came out of my recent soda kiln. These lidded jars & more will be available during my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this coming weekend! I’ve been making a lot of work getting ready for this big annual event! My favorite pottery sale of the year!

Categories: classes, lidded jars, process, production, stamped

Just finished stamping, trimming & adding colored slip details to the lidded jars I started as part of a demo for my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class last week. Always feels good when everything fits together… and you set them aside to start drying!

Categories: kiln firing, lidded jars, soda-fired, stamped

The first layer… the first shelf… the first lidded jar… SO EXCITED!!!