Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food, holiday

So here’s my sweet baby ready to go into the oven! As I was adding decorations to the top… cuz’ MORE IS MORE… I started to wonder.

Maybe there’s a “reason” why pumpkin pies never have crust or decorations on top?! But I was already committed to it… but will the leaves start to sink in as it bakes??? Only one way to find out… let the baking begin!!!

Categories: food, holiday

I thought maybe a little pre-game kick-off for Thanksgiving was in order… as tomorrow might be the weirdest Thanksgiving Day ever!!! So I’m starting it off tonight with a Pumpkin Pie Concrete from LICKETY SPLIT. Pumpkin frozen custard with a piece of pumpkin pie blended in!!! I resisted… but oh, those pumpkin pie cookies are pretty darn adorable too!!!

Categories: food, holiday

As we’re all trying to figure out what our new virtual & socially-distanced Thanksgiving might look like this year… I’m kinda drooling over this option!!! I’ll be flying solo on Thursday, so why not eat whatever I want??? And isn’t this every kid’s dream??? I mean… we all know that I have the palate of a four-year old.

If you need more details about this scrumptious dream cake…
The PieCakenclick on

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery

It’s time to kick-off your holiday shopping… make your list, check it twice and then head over to MY HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this weekend from 10:00am-6:00pm on Saturday & Sunday. We’re taking all of the proper precautions to keep it safe & socially-distanced for everyone with a limited capacity of six shoppers at one time.

Check here for more details, address & safety precautions!

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery

Thank you for understanding that crazy times call for crazy measures.
So we’re doing Pottery With Precautions this holiday season!!!

Click HERE for full details and to book an appointment.
There’s a LOT of information & changes, so please read carefully. Thank you.

Categories: art fair, holiday, pottery

It’s been a crazy year 2020…
so why not expect a crazy HOLIDAY HOME SHOW too?!

It’s traditionally my biggest, best & favorite art fair of the year. But this year is going to have to be a LOT different. It’s time to start making your gift list & checking it twice… as I have a LOT of pottery with precautions! More details coming soon on how we’re all going to stay safe & stay healthy this year!!!

Categories: holiday, terra cotta, The Ghouls Collection

I hope you all had a fun candy-filled day… safe & distant!!!

Categories: food, friends, holiday

Just two of the special treats we made last Sunday at MAURIE’S SUGAR SHOPPE for their “Monster Mash” even this Thursday night! So much fun playing with candy making festive treats… could be part of my new “edible” Ghouls Collection? Ha!!! Thanks to Keith & Julie for giving me a Golden Ticket to get into the candy factory!!!

Categories: food, friends, holiday

A special event like Maurie’s “MONSTER MASH” requires special treats, right?! So on Sunday we got together in the candy shop to make some Halloween magic! You know I love making my own Ghouls Collection… but this is the first time I got to make them with chocolates, marshmallows & candies!… FRANKENPOPS!!!

If you’re anywhere near Eureka, Illinois this Thursday night from 5:00-8:00pm, be sure to swing by MAURIE’S SUGAR SHOPPE for some special Halloween Treats… and the BEST caramel apples anywhere!!!

Categories: food, holiday

Yummy sweets just in time for Halloween at MAURIE’S SUGAR SHOPPE in Eureka! Just a few of the yummies we made for their “Monster Mash” event this Thursday night in Eureka!!! Sure they’ve always got homemade fudge, caramel apples, cotton candy, slushies, vintage candies & caramel corn… but for Thursday night they’ll also have popcorn balls, cake pops & more festive surprises!!!