Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday, ornaments

Just a quick reminder.. there are plenty of wheelthrown ornaments available on my website! Perfect to help decorate your tree, to tie onto someone’s present… or after the holidays, hang in a window, suspend from the ceiling fan or add onto the chandelier!

Click here to go to My Online Pottery Shop to see what’s available online… FYI – the ornaments are listed at the end of the list!!!

Categories: creativity, holiday

Look who just popped onto my tree!!! Santa couldn’t deliver his gifts of toilet paper & hand sanitizer via ZOOM, so he put on his best mask an just stopped by with proper social distancing!! Celebrating the season as best we can… with a wonderful handmade ornament by my friend Tiffany!

If you would like one of your own, she’s busily making more like a good Elf should… and you can connect with her through Instagram – @tiff_in_quarantine

Categories: creativity, holiday, inspiration, music, theater

Anyone looking for a little mid-afternoon musical holiday diversion?!
Any “HAMILTON” fans out there… if so, you’ll LOVE this one!!!
Brilliantly written. Perfectly performed.

Now I really want to see the entire show “Hamilton-ized.”
Maybe some of the “Island of Misfit Toys” can become the Schuyler Sisters??? Hermey as Thomas Jefferson… or even better, the Abominable Snowman as Aaron Burr?… or would that be Aaron BRRR…!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, holiday, inspiration

Support your favorite artists this time of the year. Handmade gifts are more personal, unique and so much more fun to give… and to receive!!!

Special thanks to my friend & fellow artist Donna Sauers for making these holiday graphics so festive!!! She makes great glass-bead jewelry too! Click here to check out her Facebook page.

Categories: holiday

Hard to believe we’ve already made it to December?!
Where did the summer go so quickly???
And how can it almost be Christmas already???

I just started my Advent Calendar… a childhood memory from my Grandma Kitty. She made each of us a holiday advent calendar all hand-stitched out of felt & sequins. I went for YEARS thinking she made them just for us. So imagine my surprise, when just a few years ago a friend of mine said she has one of these handmade advent calendars too!!!

Wait… What?! “How did she know my Grandma?”

Turns out these were made from a kit… and a great Grandma Kitty secret!!!

Categories: art fair, creativity, holiday, music, pottery

Here we go… first by kicking off my TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS POTTERY SALE with a little musical interlude. The “official” Photo Album to shop from will be posted next on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page!!! Just getting ready for a little holiday fun… and the perfect chance for you to get some holiday gift sopping done!!!

Click here to go to my Facebook page to shop from the “official” Photo Album!

Categories: art fair, holiday, ornaments, pottery

Time to start shopping online… stay safe & shop from home!!!

Just click in the top-right corner to see all of the pottery in “My Online Pottery Shop.” If you see something you want, just “claim it” by sending me an e-mail saying which pieces you want. I will respond to confirm, send more details and take it off the website so no else can try to snag it! First to e-mail, first to get it. We’re going kinda old-school here… and I will try my darndest to keep everything as current as possible.

Also, CYBER MONDAY SPECIAL OFFERS for any purchase over $100…
or even better for $200 or more! Ornaments for everybody!!!

Categories: family, food, friends, holiday, platters

After the turkey… looks like my “second family” friends down in Chenoa had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday while using some of their pottery collection. From the looks of it, the turkey was great… and the pie looks yummy!

I was invited, but decided it was best to stay home & stay safe! Thanks for sharing your photos Kelly… and thanks again for the invite. I just wish I could have joined you all.

Categories: food, holiday, pottery, stamped

Looks like a yummy success to me! It smells amazing, the leaves look golden brown… and nothing sunk into the pie!!! Gotta let it cool a bit… pull out the Cool Whip… and find a fork!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Giddy-up!

Yes, Cool Whip!!! Remember, I have the palate of a four-year old and I grew up with Cool Whip. So it has lots of good childhood memories attached. And it’s creamy-yummy on pumpkin pie… so I bought TWO!!!

Categories: holiday, pottery, soda-fired, textures, totem pole

Looks like one of my totem poles has taken on a festive Thanksgiving flair… but I might say that I think Chris now needs bigger pilgrims. HA!!!