Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: friends, holiday, platters, pottery

Okay… PART TWO of the story!

With only two flat & two warped soda-fired plates,
I knew that these wouldn’t work for this special order of FOUR.
Especially since I had already decided that these dinner plates
were going to be my friends’ Christmas present!!!

So I quickly threw another set of plates.
Center. Compress. Throw. Spiral. Stamp.

This time knowing that a simple glazed firing would be a lot “safer” for warping this time around. Especially with the Christmas deadline closing in!!! This time I also hedged my bets by making five plates… so I would have a back-up if something went wrong!

I went with a “neutral” glaze combo… one of my cone six glazes. A honey-amber tenmoku looking glaze… I then sprayed a tiny bit of blue glaze around the perimeter to help with the contrast of the stamped impressions.

I was quite pleased when they came out of the glaze firing. The glazes melted and “broke” just right in all the right places. Not only were the stamps highlighted nicely… but that spiral?!!! Beautiful.

And now that Christmas has passed… and gifts have been shared… I can let the “secret” out. I decided to give Gerry & Rosene BOTH sets of plates! Starting with the soda-fired set “as requested” in the special order. They LOVED them!!!… and didn’t seem to care so much about the warping. They know all about the process and the inherent risks!

And then they opened the second package…
with the “replacement” set of glazed plates…
and they LOVED those too!!!

So much so… it brought tears to Rosene’s eyes!
What more could you want from your Christmas gifts!

Mission accomplished.

Categories: food, holiday

Hoping everyone is having a “sweet” Christmas today. Whether you’re safely flying solo, or sharing your “bubble” with family… I just hope you’re all staying safe & enjoying some holiday sweet treats!!!… hmmm?… maybe I need to try ala mode next?!!!

Categories: family, holiday

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday today despite all of the challenges. ‘Tis the season to be extra-creative with how you celebrate with family & friends… without being able to be “with” anyone today! I know I’ll be celebrating solo again today, yet “celebrating” with my family via ZOOM with trivia games & a gift exchange later this afternoon!

Vector illustration with Christmas elements
Categories: family, food, holiday

And here it is – fresh out of the oven!

My new 2020 “solo-holiday” tradition continues! Make a pie. Eat a pie! Should be cooled down just in time for my family ZOOM Christmas get-together. Too bad I can’t share… and I’ll just “rudely” be eating in front of them!!!

Oh well, more for me… HA!!!

Categories: food, holiday

Added the top layer of crust and a few decorative touches! Making it all very festive for my new “solo-holiday” tradition! Ready to go into the oven…

Categories: food, holiday

It’s all in… my Christmas pie is all coming together nicely!!!

Categories: food, holiday

Things are cooking in the kitchen…
starting to smell really festive in here!

Categories: food, holiday

Keeping up with my new “2020” tradition. It worked for my “solo” Thanksgiving, so I’m going for it again today!

I have two simple goals on my To-Do List for today…
1) Make a pie…. 2) Eat a pie.

Let the solo-holiday games begin!!!

Categories: family, friends, holiday

As I spend another socially-distant holiday by myself today, it is nice to reminisce and be thankful for the FAMILY you have surrounding you… whether in person or not. It’s been such a trying time for so many families this year… and I am SO THANKFUL for the “family” I have surrounding & supporting me.

Happy Holidays to all of you… my “online family”!
I hope you all stay safe, healthy & happy through this socially-distant holiday season… and that 2021 becomes much better that 2020!!!

Categories: holiday, music

With a weird 2020 socially-distant Christmas upon us…
I know we all have the same sentiments.

What I want for Christmas is a little bit of “normal” back…
but all I REALLY want is to spend time with YOU!!!… in person, without a mask!!! Looking forward to 2021…