Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday, mugs

Handmade mugs to warm the heart of your Valentine! My online sale starts in just twelve hours on my Facebook page. A sweet gift idea for your sweetie… delivered in plenty of time for Valentine’s Day! Check my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page at 8:00am CST tomorrow morning to grab your favorite mug!

Click here to go to my Facebook page!and then click the LIKE button!

Categories: holiday, mugs

Plenty of mugs for your Valentine!
Who wouldn’t love to give their special someone a handmade gift this year?! Big online sale kicks-off tomorrow morning at 8:00am CST… only on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page.

Click here to go to my Facebook pageand then click the LIKE button!

Categories: holiday, mugs

With Valentine’s Day just two weeks away, it’s time to make plans for your special someone! What better gift than a handmade mug to warm their chilly February nights?!

We’re going to be doing another Online Mug Sale only on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page this Sunday morning 1/31/21 at 8:00am CST. Shipped & delivered in time for your Valentine gift-giving!!!

Click here for my Facebook page!

Categories: holiday, mugs

With Valentine’s Day just two weeks away, it’s time to make plans for your special someone! What better gift than a handmade mug to warm their chilly February nights?! We’re going to be doing another Online Mug Sale only on my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page this Sunday morning 1/31/21 at 8:00am CST. Shipped & delivered in time for your Valentine gift-giving!!!

Click here to go to my Facebook page!

Categories: holiday, inspiration
Categories: holiday

Happy New Year Everyone!!!
So glad we finally made it… and looking forward to keeping it simple, keeping it colorful, keeping it positive! Good luck everyone!!!

Categories: holiday

From the safety of my sofa, wishing all of you a safe, healthy & socially-distanced New Years Eve. No celebration going on here… okay, maybe more movies & more pie… but I’m definitely ready to start a New Year!!! We’ve all been through a lot this year… I’m done! Good riddance 2020. I’m ready for a better year. Bring it on 2021.

Categories: food, holiday

Celebrating safely-at-home with my newest 2020 holiday tradition! This is my THIRD holiday celebrating with Bake-A-Pie & Eat-A-Pie!!! And sure, I coulda left that one last piece for tomorrow…

But why stop at one piece… after THIS year, I think we all deserve two pieces… and ice cream too!!! Congrats on making it through this crumbly-crust of a year!!!

Categories: holiday

Looking back at 2020…
and I am MORE than ready to move on!
It was quite a year… like none other!

It’s hard to believe that 2020 has kinda slipped by so quickly, and yet dragged on so long. I’m hoping for good things in 2021… but who knows what that really means?! Fingers crossed for brighter days… when we can all get back to work, get together with our family & friends, open restaurants, live theater, organized bike rides & triathlons, so many things… and maybe, just maybe… eventually get rid of the masks?!!!

Categories: family, friends, holiday, mugs, pottery

Another great Christmas SURPRISE…
I was also asked to make a couple “sets” of pottery for three different families. The parents who requested these “sets” have QUITE the collection of my pottery. They’ve been collecting my work for years… and probably have TOO MUCH if that’s even possible! I know most of their kids have some “random” pieces… a mug here, a bowl there… but not a good “set” of anything!

So the request was to make two bowls, two mugs and two juice cups in three different colors for three different families. They love the stamped patterns… but didn’t want them to be all “matchy-matchy”… so they wanted the stamps to all be different. Similar, but different.

And to make matters worse…
imagine ME not being able to share the photos of these pieces as I was making them!!! I was so careful not to share too much to ruin the surprise! I had fun making the sets… but so tough NOT to show photos along the way!

The “celadon” green set traveled to Kristy & Matt in Wisconsin!

The cobalt blue set went to Karen & Annie in Maryland.

And the green set was delivered to Jody & Ira in Pennsylvania.

And oh, but wait there’s more…
I figured since each of the families was getting a nice “starter set” courtesy of their parents… maybe they needed a plate to go with it too??? Especially since I’ve kinda been “adopted” into the family. I’ve even been referred to as “the favorite son”!!!

A title I’ll gladly take… especially since they only have daughters!