Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: color, flowers, holiday

My favorite part of the Orchid Show at the Chicago Botanic Garden was the section dedicated to the Holi Festival. Wonderful orchid arrangements on the walks, dramatic lighting & colorful powders splattered everywhere!!! During Holi, a Hindu festival celebrating Spring and the triumph of good over evil, people throw colored powder & water at each other as a joyful and symbolic act of unity, forgiveness & the celebration of new beginnings.

Something it seems like we all could use a bit of these days!!!

Categories: food, holiday, platters

You know how I love a good holiday… well, today was NATIONAL OREO COOKIE DAY!!! What better way to celebrate a Thursday???… well, that and playing with my Lillstreet Throwdown students in class… followed by a late night watching THE TRAITORS finale!!! So sad it’s over… but always better with OREO’s!!!

Categories: food, holiday, platters, stamped

You know how I love a good holiday… and today is NATIONAL PIZZA DAY!!!
And I woulda been remiss if I didn’t celebrate with a couple slices!!!

Categories: holiday, mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Christmas may be over… but the holiday vibes are still in full gear over at Tiffany’s place with her new Christmas Tree mug!!! Thanks for keeping the holiday spirit goin’ Tiffany!!!

Categories: holiday, platters, stamped

Welcome to 2025!!!
Hard to believe that another year has passed. Yet I’d like to thank everyone for making 2024 my most successful “pottery year” ever! The undying commitment, support & encouragement of my friends, family & Followers really keeps me going. I’m looking forward to the New Year with a few “new” ideas in mind. Time to get back in the studio, time to start teaching again, time to start planning my calendar & time get back into the swing of things! Looking forward to another fun & successful year!

Categories: holiday

Wishing you all a fun & exciting New Year’s Eve!!! A great time to celebrate with friends & family reflecting on the past year & looking forward to the New Year! Have fun… but stay safe out there!

Categories: friends, holiday, mugs, pottery

So apparently there was a little pottery “mishap”
on Christmas Day… I’ll let Allison tell the story…

“Tragic end to Mamma Molloy’s mug before she even opened it. We hosted at our home for Christmas and my brother Ryan and his wife Sarah and Reed came over for a meal and presents with our Mamma who lives down around the corner from us. We were all enjoying Reed, our nephew, being a 14 month old after our meal, stomping around and being curious when he grabbed the bag Mamma’s mug was in (padded mind you), Ryan lifted him up, and then he dropped the bag and I heard CLUNK. And was like, “Oh no. What was that? Was that the bag?” And sure enough, she opened the bag first and it was IT WAS HALF A MUG.

Sarah felt so bad and was apologetic and I felt bad but then thought what would Gary say, “It’s just clay.” She said at least she didn’t have time to get attached. I did investigate it after they left and your centering is VERY good sir. Perfect walls. Quite thin, so it’s light, and apparently very breakable.

Sad for the Christmas chaos this year!! As Sarah says, it’s a very “interactive and fun” time with him but the hands grab EVERYTHING.”

Categories: friends, holiday, pottery

A couple happy pottery peeps… celebrating yesterday with some new pottery! Excited about their red “ornaments” holiday mug… but I think even more excited about the stamped aubergine vase that they got as a gift from Dad! Thanks for sharing your holiday Allison & Michael.

Categories: holiday

… and to all a good night!

Categories: holiday

Wishing you & yours a wonderful holiday season. Enjoying time spent with family & friends. Sharing old stories. Creating new memories. And extra special this year as the celebrations seem to all be lining up on this special day! Enjoy the holidays… no matter which you choose to celebrate. Make it merry. Make it special. Make it fun in your own special way!