Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, classes, glaze

Last night in my Beginning Wheel class, we did another “trading-exchanging-stealing game” to celebrate our last class of the session… with a category of “Not-So-Basic Bowls.” After several rounds, I came away with this cutie by Allison. Underglaze dots… and a beautiful crazy-crazed clear glaze! Lillstreet has been reformulating some of their glazes… and I think this was made with one of the test batches!

Categories: glaze, mugs, stamped

Fresh from the kiln… for another Mugshot Monday! For tonight’s final night of the session for my Intermediate Wheel class, our “white elephant trading stealing exchanging game” was a set of four matching mugs! Of course I had to play along… and I made two sets! Giving myself options to pick out my favorite set of four… with a few “extras” to choose from.

And wait… what is that? A new glaze color??? Yes!!! The very first pieces out of the kiln in the new chambray blue color. I’m not quite sure yet. I like the green so much better… but the blue might grow on me?!

You tell me… Do we like it or not???

Categories: flower pots, glaze, stamped

Just a little early morning glazing to start the day! These flower pots won’t quite be done in time for Hinsdale this weekend… but will definitely be ready for the Northern Illinois Pottery Tour on June 8th & 9th.

Categories: classes, glaze, stamped

Last week with my SURFACE DECORATION class, we discussed a lot of glazing techniques & tried to rectify some bad habits. Then I challenged them to “play” a bit more with their glazing… and to try some new techniques on the stamped cylinders I provided for them. I was hoping that they would be more free with their glazing if it wasn’t on one of their own “precious” pots. They all took good step-by-step notes… so now we’re just anxiously waiting for them to get fired in the cone 10 glaze kiln. Fingers crossed for some fun glaze results!!!

Categories: classes, glaze

All letter-code labeled & waxed… a fun “surprise “ project for my SURFACE DECORATION class tonight. They have no idea what they’re in for!!! If you haven’t guessed already… it’s Glaze Night!!!

Categories: glaze, process, production

Wiping off the top surface… to reveal a now-filled-in stamped pattern. Remember, these are all going into the soda kiln… so I don’t really need to glaze the outside of the pots. I’ll do a liner glaze inside… but leave the exterior for the soda magic to do its tricks!!!

Categories: glaze, process, production, stamped

Working on the glaze inlay first… filling the stamped impressions with some tenmoku glaze. And then I will be wiping off the top surface to clean it off… leaving the glaze only in the patterns!

Categories: glaze, process, production, stamped, vases

Still glazing… this time I’m on the pots that came out of yesterday’s bisque kiln. Cute little oval vases with a fun strappy handles to help separate the flowers. And if one handle is cute… maybe two handles are even cuter?!!! Larger version with two handles & textured panels on each side!

Categories: glaze, process, production, stamped

Moving right along! Filling the stamps with glaze & then wiping off the top surface with a wet sponge. It leaves the dark tenmoku glaze inside the stamp to really make the texture pop! Then a quick liner glaze with the same tenmoku… clean the edges with a wet sponge… and we’re almost done!!!

Categories: glaze, studio

Okay, so here’s the “weird clay & glaze issues” story!
So I made this year’s Shamrock Mugs with a new kind of clay… fresh from the manufacturer. No problems with it. So I glazed the bisqued mugs in a couple different shades of green glaze… that I have used many many times. The dark green glaze on the left came out perfect. The light green glaze on the right came out a bubbly, pock-marked & scratchy?! In the same kiln with the same light green glaze… I also fired some bowls made with a different clay body and they came out perfectly light green! So I’m thinking there’s got to be something about the new clay & this one glaze recipe “not playing well with each other”? Ugh… the glamorous life of a Potter?!

So… I did some strategic sanding & smoothing, and then sprayed a light layer of the darker green glaze that “worked so well” over it. Figured it would either help melt & seal it all together… or they would be ruined even more. I had nothing to lose.

Well, they came out of the kiln today… a little “mottled” looking and not quite shiny-smooth. But they are SO MUCH BETTER than the scatchy un-sellable ones I had before.

So… some of these “seconds” will be in the SHAMROCK MUG SALE tonight… clearly identified & with a good discount!!! Sale starts in just under two hours at 8:00pm central… only on my Facebook page!