Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: glaze, summer camp, terra cotta

A splash of color. A smudge of fun.
zColorful glazes on terra cotta… all part of SUMMER CAMP FUN!!!

Categories: glaze, platters, stamped

Looks like it might be SPIRAL SUNDAY?!
You know how much I love a good spiral… and this plate is REALLY showing off!!!

Categories: art fair, glaze, stamped, textures

Some fun stamping & colorful green glazes that pool & puddle in all the right places. Sometimes you just need a pop of color to brighten your day! Well THAT day might just be this Friday at 8:00am… when each of these pieces show up in my new ETSY SHOP as part of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR.

Categories: art fair, bowls, glaze, stamped, textures

Feeling a little “blue”?… or needing a little “yellow” pick-me up?! Well, these bowls will be available this weekend on my new ETSY SHOP… starting Friday morning at 8:00am! Just a little hint of things to come… get ready for the big NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR this weekend…

Categories: bowls, glaze

Okay, so I may have gotten a little reckless with the glazing of this berry bowl. The lime glaze did a bit of running & sealed up a few of the drainage holes. Sue me!

But I figure someone might still love it… especially when they realize it might make a nice stained glass window at the same time?! Double-duty pottery?

Who knows, I might be onto something here???

Categories: glaze, pottery, process, production

Well, my studio cart is all glazed, wadded & full…

…with masking tape “seat belts” in place for the arduous journey downstairs via the rickety old freight elevator! Always hoping for no jumpers or speed bumps!!!

Categories: glaze, stamped, vases

A few oval vases glazed & ready for soda-firing… just need some wadding! I think these might be the last pieces to be glazed… getting ready to start loading soon.

Categories: glaze, process, production

Back to glazing… as I’m nearing the end. Lidded jars glazed… inside the jar & inside the stamps! Next up… soda-resistant wadding on the bottoms & lids.

Categories: glaze, mugs, stamped

Celebrating another MUGSHOT MONDAY with this little green glazed mug… stamped on two sides instead of all the way around. Just playing around trying something new?!

Categories: glaze, process, production, stamped

Celebrating with another batch of mugs… this time for a quick special order. My fingers are crossed as the request is to “match” an older mug from a previous firing. Of course I didn’t keep notes on what I did for that first mug… so I’m kinda flying by the seat of my pants and “hoping” that I have the color combos right?! The blue color is a soda flashing slip, and the brown liner glaze is tenmoku. I’m just hoping that these work out… and “match” as much as any soda-fired piece can!!!