Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Beautiful purple clematis blooming in our back courtyard…
a bright spot on a gloomy gray day.

Categories: flowers, garden

Some may think they’re weeds, but I’m LOVING these Globe Thistles. Such cool shapes, textures, colors & the bees love them too!!! Thanks to my cousin Kim for sharing some of these from her garden so I can enjoy them in my garden now too!

Categories: flowers, garden

These purple iris hung in there for a long time too. This patch of bearded purple iris are the very first ones I planted several years ago. They’ve been thriving & spreading as a consistent bloomer on the corner of my front garden. Yet sadly, they look like they’re almost done blooming now… until next year…

Categories: flowers, garden

Sadly, it looks like iris season has come to an end in my garden. These were the last few “troopers” to make an appearance this year. Especially loving the bi-color purple & yellow ones this year… so striking!!!

Categories: art fair, flower pots, flowers, friends, garden, pottery

Well, the weekend is finally getting here…. as is SPRING!!! So it’s perfect timing for the PLANTS & POTTERY POP-UP SALE! Lots of homegrown plants & handmade pottery to decorate your home, garden, office… anywhere! & everywhere!! This Friday & Saturday from 9:00am-4:00pm in Bartonville, Illinois! C’mon down…

2314 Skyway Road, Bartonville, Illinois 61607

Categories: friends, garden, pottery

On another damp & dreary Saturday, I thought a little splash of color might perk up your day! Like all of these beautiful coleus plants that my friends Rosene & Gerry have been growing all Winter in their basement… she started with over 600 cuttings!!! And now we’re just two weeks away from our little PLANTS & POTTERY POP-UP down by Peoria.

Friday, May 13th & Saturday, May 14th

I will be bringing a lot of pottery to go with a wide assortment of homegrown plants for your garden & home! Mark your calendar… more details to come!!!

Categories: garden

Perfect day to go plant some plants!!!

So I received this amazing “care package” in the mail the other day from one of my Facebook Fans. It was filled with a bunch of tiny white packages… filled with so many tiny succulents… all perfectly labeled!

I’ve re-planted them all in simple plastic cups just to get them re-adjusted… but you know I’ll be making a new batch of mini flower pots for these sweet things!

Thanks for the succulents Camille… I’ll try my best to give them a healthy home!!!… and I hope YOUR succulents are growing well at home in my flower pots!

Categories: art fair, artists, friends, garden

HAPPY EASTER… and enjoying this hidden bunny amongst the coleus garden! Just a reminder that I will be doing a PLANTS & POTTERY POP-UP SALE in the Peoria area on Friday, May 13th & Saturday, May 14th. Plenty of homegrown coleus, hostas, annuals & houseplants… along with lots of pottery!!! More details to come!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Totally enamored by these bright-colored leaves as the sun was shining in through my dining room window the other day! Not sure what kind of plant his is… but I’m diggin’ it!

Categories: garden, nature

Such cool leaves with great cuts, lobes & holes through the leaves…
and they’re HUGE! These leaves are almost three feet long!!!