Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: garden, mugs

Mugs for the non-coffee drinker?… try making it a small succulent planter! Drill a hole in the bottom for drainage, or just add a layer of pebbles before planting. The cutest!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

Such a pleasant surprise to see that my Wild Columbine is blooming again. I don’t think that I knew that these could even re-bloom… but apparently they do?! Just giving me one more chance to collect some seeds to spread around & save some for next year too.

I was told that these were quite “invasive” and they would spread like crazy… and they haven’t… even though I REALLY want them to!!! So I’m going to try both spreading seeds this Fall… and then sowing some more next Spring too with fingers crossed that one or the other grow all over the place!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

Rode past a large patch of hollyhocks today… which for some reason always remind me of my Grandma Kitty?! Beautiful flowers clustered on tall stalks… and a great pollinator as the bees were flitting from flower to flower as I watched.

Categories: flowers, garden

Another beautiful asiatic lily that just started blooming in my garden… with amazingly saturated red colors!

Categories: color, flowers, garden

Bright & colorful asiatic lilies… a cheery addition to the garden blooming this morning!

Categories: garden, soda-fired, stamped, totem pole

Looks like it’s TOTEM TUESDAY! And it looks like Gerry & Rosene’s garden is doing great this summer… beautiful flowers all around their totem pole. Stamped & soda-fired pottery is always a nice addition to the garden!

Categories: flowers, garden

Celebrating a fun & natural Texture Tuesday with these great globe thistle “flowers.” Thanks to my Cousin Kim, I now have a patch of these thistles growing right there on my city street corner!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Tiny little white flowers… so delicately perched on top of tall stems. Dramatic white heliotrope flowers with such an intoxicating aroma. A beautiful accent to any garden!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Loving the larkspur that just started blooming in my garden this week! That beautiful purple color floating above feathery stems. And it looks like there are still a lot of blooms to come!!! The way these things have spread all over my garden… I’m sure they would be considered a “weed” if the flowers weren’t so pretty! HA!!!

Categories: flowers, garden

It’s apparently IRIS SEASON… at least by looking in my garden! I’m totally enamored by all of the different iris colors, textures & aromas that are blooming along my garden this week. The smell of a good iris is totally a childhood flashback. Some people love the scent, some people don’t… I love it!!! Unfortunately, the flowers are short-lived… so enjoy them while you can!