Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Besides a “ton” of coleus plants with all of their colors & textures… my friends Gerry & Rosene have the most incredible garden with beautiful flowers around every corner! Here’s a little bit of a “visual tour” for those who couldn’t stop by our PLANT & POTTERY SALE this weekend!

Categories: friends, garden, pottery

Huge thanks to everyone who stopped-by this weekend’s PLANT & POTTERY SALE down in Peoria! My pals Rosene & Gerry have an amazing garden & grew hundreds of coleus plants for the sale… and I just popped-in with a collection of pottery to add to the festivities! It was so much fun seeing everyone come out for our little sale… excited about plants & pottery! Thanks again for playing with us!

Categories: flowers, friends, garden, pottery

Spring is here & things are popping up all over! If any of my Central Illinois fans are around this weekend, I’ll be “popping-up” in Peoria this Friday & Saturday. Beautiful homegrown plants, colorful coleus & more for your yard, containers & windowboxes! Plus an assortment of my pottery… mugs, vases, flower pots & more! You’ll also get to see one of my totem poles in the garden… and meet me very first art fair friends from “several” years ago!

Friday, May 7th & Saturday, May 8th – 9:00am-4:00pm
2314 Skyway Road, Bartonville, IL 61607

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

A few more beauties… a couple parting shots before we continued the ride north past the gardens. Beautiful ranunculus flowers in a range of colors!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

While at the Chicago Botanic Garden, I was also impressed by the flowering espalier growing on the brick entrance walls. Years of pruning & “training” to make this beauty happen!

Categories: flowers, garden, holiday

Celebrating EARTH DAY with these little troopers surviving the recent blast of cold weather and popping up in my garden today to greet the sunshine! Fun fern fiddleheads unfurling in the sun… say THAT ten times fast!!!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

I’m kinda excited… I’m trying to grow dahlias this summer for the first time. I started them indoors and these little nuggets popped up this morning!!! Just in time for NATIONAL GARDENING DAY!!!

Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Pretty excited when I got home from biking to see the very first crocus blooming in my front yard! Love the vibrant purple color… and LOVE that I’ve never planted crocus & yet somehow this little cutie found it’s way into my street corner planter box!

Categories: classes, flowers, garden, pottery

After last night’s “exchanging-trading-stealing” game with my Intermediate class, I walked away with this SWEETIE of a flowerpot Christine! She’s been working a lot with terra cotta, white underglaze backgrounds & detailed paintings with colored underglaze. This one commemorates the Chicago flag & Lillstreet 2021. Great class… great planter… great souvenir of our class!!!

Categories: flowers, garden, seasons

It’s the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!! Finally…
and I’m so excited to see some pops of color breaking through in my front yard. Looks like the periwinkle vinca vine is off to a good start!