Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, mosaic

Come see this wonderful collaboration project between myself & mosaic artist Kristin Conneely tomorrow at ART IN THE GARDEN. There will be lots of fun collaboration projects all over the yard… we’ve been working hard & playing creatively with each other for the past few months. This weekend we finally get to show it all off!!!

For more details…

Categories: collaborations, glaze, process, production, terra cotta

We’re SO close to the end of these collaboration birdhouses!!! Cory has added some clear glaze… yes, green now turns clear in the kiln. The roofs are glazed for weather protection… as well as some of the whimsical add-ons just to make them even more fun!!! Beautifully done Cory.

Oh great… now I want mint chocolate chip ice cream!!!

Categories: artists, collaborations, process, production, terra cotta

What a difference the underglaze wash makes, right?! The way Cory leaves it in all of the recesses just makes all of the textures & colors really POP!!! These birdhouses are getting SO close to being done. Which is good… they need to be done by Saturday morning when the show starts at 10:00am. So who knows?… they might still be warm from the kiln???

Categories: collaborations, process, production

After painting all of the colored underglazes & bisque firing them, Cory then adds a layer of a black underglaze wash over the entire piece. The plan is to wipe it off again… leaving it only in the cracks, crevasses & indentations. It’s a long, time-consuming process… but it makes a HUGE difference in the final look… so THANK YOU Cory for putting in the extra effort to make the collaboration really cool !!!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, process, production, terra cotta

So it looks like Cory McCrory has been extra busy in her studio doing some final touches & details on our collaboration birdhouses for his weekend’s ART IN THE GARDEN. It’s these crazy cool details that are just killin’ it… some underglaze here… a dab of color there!!! Can’t wait to see them in person this weekend!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, platters, porcelain, sgraffito, surface decoration

One more reminder… in case you’ve missed any of my previous posts?… ART IN THE GARDEN is this weekend!!! Saturday & Sunday from 10:00am-5:00pm in Glenview. These sgraffito platters are just a couple of the collaboration projects you’ll find at the show. Amy Taylor & I have been working on these sgraffito pieces… but most of the other artists have been collaborating with each other as well. So there will be a LOT of one-of-a-kind collaborations you won’t find anywhere else! We’ve been having a great time working together on these pieces. We hope you come see the, in person!

For more details –

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, terra cotta, textures

OMG!!!… I can’t believe how Cory has knocked this one out-of-the-park!!!

She’s added several layers of colored underglazes to our collaboration birdhouses… and I think they’re AMAZING!!! It might just be one of our best ART IN THE GARDEN collaborations ever! I can’t wait to see them in person this weekend!

Sadly, there are only TEN of them…. and there’s no calling dibs ahead of time… first come, first served at ART IN THE GARDEN. If there are any left after the show, we will offer them up online!

For more…

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, mosaic

Yep, she’s good!!! I gave Kristin Conneely another frame to fill and she did it in no time fast! Another beautiful collaboration ready for ART IN THE GARDEN next weekend. I made the stamped ceramic frame, Kristin did her “mosaic magic” inside… and if you look closely, there are little leaves by Cory McCrory… making this a little 3-way collaboration!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, porcelain, sgraffito

Just a bit more of a “teaser”… a bit more of the sgraffito platters that Amy Taylor & I have been working on as our collaboration project for ART IN THE GARDEN. We’ll have a limited number of platters, shallow bowls & more with her whimsical illustrations hand-carved through black underglaze to reveal the white porcelain.

Mark your calendars… September 9th & 10th in Glenview!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations

Just in case you haven’t heard the rumors…
ART IN THE GARDEN is next weekend September 9th & 10th.
Come join us for great art, great collaborations & fun artists!!!

More information at