Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, clay

Not bad for one bag of clay, huh?
Another project in the works… one I’ve been “putting off” for quite awhile now!
Finally decided to get it done! So now I’ve got some stamping to do!!!

Categories: clay, porcelain, process, studio

Another pile of slop! This time it’s a creamy blend of porcelain reclaim sitting on my plaster bat. Should be ready to wedge in a day or so… and then it’s FREE CLAY ready to go!!!


Categories: clay, process, studio

My latest batch of goopey reclaim clay has finally settled up after about a week on the plaster bat. So today I pounded it up a bit with just a smidge of wedging. Full wedging will take place when I’m actually ready to use the clay. Until then it will be bagged up for storage. Storage of FREE CLAY that is!!!

But it seems to never fail, that as soon as I finish up with one batch of reclaimed clay…
it’s already time to start the next batch! So here are some dried scraps ready to go.

And I pulverize them as fine as possible with a rolling pin before putting them into my reclaim bin. Once the clay is in the bin, I add enough water to cover the clay scraps. I let it sit for a few weeks with some occasional stirring & mixing up. Eventually the clay slakes down, the water evaporates and I’m ready to pull out the reconstituted clay onto my large plaster bat… and another cycle begins…


Categories: clay, pottery, process, production, wheelthrowing

Wedged balls of clay…

So much potential in each one. Especially when starting up studio production again.
I’ve been looking at my calendar trying to schedule art fairs, summer camps, bike rides, races and more!!! And a slight wave of panic washed over me… so it’s back in the studio! Full steam ahead!!!

Categories: bowls, clay, textures

Finger painting with thick slip on the inside of a bowl!!!




Categories: clay, process, studio

Sometimes reclaiming clay seems like a never-ending process. Just as soon as I empty out the “big bucket of goo” onto my large plaster bat… the big bucket gets filled up again with dried clay awaiting its turn to slake down.

Categories: clay, process, studio

It’s a New Year and I’m still cleaning up a bit from last year…
taking care of some clay that got a bit too dry.
So I cut it thin, squished it flat, and bent it up so the pile would dry quickly.

Tonight I pulverized it a bit to make it easier to reclaim the clay.
So for now everything is in my reclaim bucket saturated with water.

Categories: clay, holiday

They say small things come in small packages… and they’re right!
But who knew that Continental Clay had smaller boxes?
I’m so accustomed to lugging around those 50lb. boxes!!!

Special thanks to my cousins in Minnesota for the mini clay box…
and the Holiday Gift Card enclosed!!!



Categories: clay, process, studio

After another fun day at summer camp, I spent the afternoon wedging & bagging up
my latest batch of reclaimed clay. A little “muscle” and now I’ve got a LOT of free clay!!!
Another good day.




Categories: clay

My camp kids loved this one… a random hand found in the clay reclaim bucket!!!

Apparently the adult sculpture class was responsible…
with a class demo hand by teacher Robin Power tossed in the night before.