Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: challenge, classes

Pull the longest handle without breaking… for 10 minutes! Shannon versus Joanna…
and who woulda’ thought it would be such a shoulder workout...well, me…
but obviously not Shannon who figured it out soon enough!!!

Categories: challenge, classes

Handbuild a 5″tall free-standing pyramid in just 10 minutes… it was Claire versus Taylor… and GO!!!

Categories: challenge, classes

After everyone paired up, we started the THROWDOWN challenges… which is also when they found out their “pairs” were actually going to be competitors!!! One winner, one loser for each challenge on the wheel. Spin the “Wheel Of Challenges” and find out what’s in store for you & your competitor!

Wheelthrow a dinner plate with the wheel going in the”wrong” direction!

Categories: challenge, classes

Last week in THE GREAT LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class, I challenged my students
to spin the “Wheel Of Challenges.” And then hilarity ensued… as we let the games begin!!!

Categories: challenge, classes, lillstreet

Last night was the kick-off of “season six” of the GREAT LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class! So exciting, as this is my favorite class to teach every year during the Winter session of classes. We started with each student throwing their own version of their “perfect” dinner plate… with some of them making their first plate EVER!!!

Once they finished the first plate, they were then challenged to make a second plate to MATCH!!! They had a great time followed by some good discussions & critiques.

And oh, but wait there’s more... their “homework” is to now decorate two plates to make their “matching” set solely with SLIP TRAILING!!! Again, a technique several of them have never tried before… more to come next week!

Categories: classes, vases

It’s been a long time coming, but one of my Advance Beginning Wheel students is finally coming towards the end of her “challenge.” Tessa is getting married in 2024… and decided in class a couple sessions ago to make a small “cutie-patootie” vase for everyone at her wedding. So Tess has been throwing off-the-hump to make a LOT of little vases. It started with a much smaller goal of a couple per table… but “someone” may have encouraged her to make MORE so everyone could get one! And luckily, Tessa took on my challenge!!!

Categories: classes, food, platters, pottery, stamped

Tonight was the last class for my Beginning Wheelthrowing class… celebrating again with a potluck & a “trading-stealing-exchanging” game. Category for the trade was a “not-so-basic bowl”. While the theme for our potluck was “Dips And The Vehicle To Get Them In Your Mouth .”

I decided to up-my-game, and yet stay brand loyal… with Hot Cocoa OREO’s and a fluffy Hot Cocoa Dip!!! A double whammy of yummy goodness!!!

Categories: classes, color, food

By the end of class tonight, I came away with this beautiful pie plate made by Christine… a former student who just wanted to be part of our game!!! And the last of Martin’s tart cherry pie-lets?… pocket pie?… fold-over… ??? Well, whatever you call them… they were AMAZING!!! And look pretty amazing in Christine’s retro striped pie plate too!!! Great game, great potluck & such talented students this session!!!

Categories: classes, food

And there it is… hot out of the oven & just in time for the potluck at tonight’s Wheelthrowing class!!! A fun pie that tastes, smells & looks like apple pie… with absolutely NO APPLES!!! No apples, no apple juice, no applesauce… nothing!!! Just a bunch of boiled crackers!!! Go figure… but in a handmade pie dish to make it look a little nicer!

You gotta know the pressure I was under… knowing the Martin our “Top Baker” would be judging my efforts. I figured I could never win with a “real” pie… but maybe some bonus points for this quirky throwback recipe?!

Categories: classes, food

Tonight was the last class for my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class… with a potluck to celebrate!
So I had to step-up and throw something together quick before class!!!

Still boiling… it’s coming together. Soon to be pie filling!!!