Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, friends, television

And of course, every KING OF CORN needs a corn scepter, right?! Martin may have won a baking show… but we were more than ready to blow the corn theme out of the water! We just need a good reason to celebrate… and we’re ALL IN!

Thanks again to Christine for working on the scepter. I brought the corn & made it sparkle, but Christine added all of the incredible details… like photos from each of Martin’s baking challenges!

Categories: classes, friends, television

As the Big Winner of THE GREAT AMERICAN BAKING SHOW… of course we had to make the most celebrating Martin! And we thought every winner needs a crown… and party hats for the rest of us. Of course, it was CORN for all around!!!

Special thanks to Christine for coordinating the “bumper crop” of corn hats & crown!!!
Take notice of the ring of contestants around the hat!!!

Categories: classes, friends, television

As part of Martin’s SURPRISE PARTY, I invited the other two Chicago contestants to join our party! So Sarah Chang & Nirali Chauhan both joined us for the festivities & to celebrate Martin’s big win!!! A fun surprise for Martin… and so “cute” to see how they’ve so quickly become BEST FRIENDS after surviving their time together “under the tent” for THE GREAT AMERICAN BAKING SHOW! Crazy that the three of them are from Chicago… now best friends, but would never have met each other if it weren’t for the show!!!

Categories: classes, food, platters, stamped

My contribution to the potluck party was “inspired” by Martin’s love of CORN!!! Since he used corn as a main ingredient in a couple of his bakes, I thought it was only fitting to make Cornbread Cupcakes with Cream Corn Buttercream Frosting! Sure, they might not of been the tastiest of treats… but I think I got huge bonus points for following the corny theme!!!

Categories: classes, food, friends, television

Oh, the pressure… how do you throw a party and make snacks to celebrate a TOP BAKER?!

Sure, our treats might be tasty… but nowhere near the fancy delicacies that Martin could make! But we tried our best… lots of treats… some “inspired” by the final four contestants of the show!

Categories: classes, television

So… with Martin as the BIG WINNER of The Great American Baking Show… we had to throw a big party, right? So our final class of the Spring pottery session was a full-on potluck party celebration of Martin & all-things Baking Show! And what’s a party without a bunch of signs all over the place?! Some to celebrate Martin, and others to embarrass Martin!!!

Categories: classes, food

Last night in pottery class we had another version of our favorite OREOs… gluten-free! So they tasted a little “different” and maybe a little “chalky”???… but the double amount of filling made up for it! Thanks for bringing the treats Elena!


Categories: classes, process, vases

So tonight’s class demo was stacked two-part vase! I threw a 4-pound bottom cylinder, and then another 4-pound top cylinder that was bottomless. After they set-up a bit, I scored & slipped them & attached the two halves. Smoothed out the connection seam… then tried to smooth it out & reshape it into a nice, tall vase shape.

As I told my class, I would have liked to have the clay set-up a lot longer. But for class demo timing, we decided to go for it even though we all knew the clay was far to wet to hold up. So when the bottom section started to squish as we knew it would, we decided to cut it in half to see how thick the walls were. And I think it looks pretty good… nice thin & even walls… but you can clearly see how wet & squishy the clay was! We all knew it should have set-up more… but sometimes it’s fun to show a “fail” demo too!!!

Categories: classes, surface decoration, tools

So fun to watch one of your students “find their voice” & develop their own style in your class. Kristen has truly blossomed in her surface decoration skills. I let her borrow a few of my newest DiamondCore Tools and look what she did with them! Great details with great tools! Looks like Kristen might need to start expanding her tool collection with some more DiamondCore Tools of her own!!!

Categories: bowls, classes, food

So not only did we have “imported” OREO’s in class… we also had beautiful little OREO BOWLS for our mint OREO’s!!! One of my students made these cute little bowls with underglaze transfer patterns that were perfect for a single serving of OREO’s… or, you could refill it as many times as needed!!! Thanks for sharing your bowls Darcy!