Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: challenge, classes, wheelthrowing

This week in our LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class, I challenged my students to replicate three distinct forms in one hour. They had sixty minutes to make all three. And they couldn’t move the examples off the table. With very little guidance, it was fun for me to watch how each of them approached the task differently. Most quickly jumped on the wheel… one handbuilt them all… yet size & shape were still a challenge for everyone. But it was the “oval” vase that proved to be the real challenge. With a wide range of “success”… some used the wheel while others handbuilt the shape. It was a great challenge for everyone.

Although I will say, I was a little “disappointed” that no one thought to paint them all with the new orange slip we have in the classrooms now! Given another five or ten minutes, maybe someone would have gotten there?! I mean… the examples were ORANGE, right?!

Categories: classes, platters, surface decoration

So the “real” challenge this week for my LILLSTREET THROWDOWNers was to throw the largest platter they could with 6-pounds of clay… and then decorate it to “match” or coordinate with their perfect dinner plate! We were looking for well-thrown plates & platters, as well as well-applied surface decoration that pulls them both together. Yep, they didn’t see that one coming! And yet they all did FANTASTIC… quite impressive!

Categories: classes, platters, wheelthrowing

After throwing their “perfect” dinner plate… my LILLSTREET THROWDOWNER’s were then challenged to make the largest platter they could with 6-pounds of clay! Remember, some of them had never made a plate… let alone a huge platter… let alone handling six pounds on a wheel!!! I did a quick demo for them… which they fully appreciated… and then I let them loose!!! And they all did AMAZING!!! Even surprising themselves with their newly-found platter-making skills!

Categories: classes, platters, surface decoration

This past Thursday in my LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class, I challenged my students to make that one “perfect” dinner plate. Well-thrown & decorated in just 45 minutes. Several of them had never even thrown a plate before. Let alone decorating a freshly-thrown plate that is already wet & squishy!

Little did they know that there was still another “twist” to come…

Categories: classes, kiln firing, process

I just unloaded a “quickie-bisque” kiln that I loaded & fired for my Lillstreet Throwdown students. They’re all working hard on their fairy tail themed teapot sets. And I figured their pieces would be “safer” after bisque firing… and it might give them a jumpstart on their glazing?! Especially if they hope to get all their themed sets done by Week 10!!!

Categories: bowls, classes, surface decoration

And this is where we ended Tuesday night after my “bowls-bowls-bowls” demo with my Beginners. We talked all about altering shapes & added some decorative flourishes to their pieces not make their pots more unique. Basically… I just want them to have fun, express themselves & PLAY more with their clay!

Here we go…

Bowl #1 – Plain… the “BASIC” bowl fresh off the wheel. This is where they all started!

Bowl #2 – Two little fluted flips!

Bowl #3 – If two are nice, maybe eight fluted flips are better?

Bowl #4 – A flared flange.

Bowl #5 – A wider flared flange

Bowl #6 – A combination flared flange & fluted edges.

Bowl #7 – A split rim with two dramatic indents.
This one will get a big “up & over’ handle to make a basket-bowl.

Bowl #8 – Another split rim… this time with eight pinches to the rim.

Bowl #9 – A split rim with four indents to “square-up” the bowl a bit.

Bowl #10 – A split rim with four dents in & four dents out… kind of a lotus effect.

Bowl #11 – A “surprise” flower-snowflake-design in the bottom from a dragonscaler tool.

After the first few bowls, we discussed colored slips to add some design & detail to their bowls.
I personally like thick white slip a lot… adding texture & subtle contrast to the clay body.

Bowl #12 – Thick white slip with a simple spiral dragged through.

Bowl #13 – Thick white slip with some bands dragged through…
leaving a “canvas” area for carving in the future when the slip dries up a bit.

Bowl #14 – Thick white slip with some finger squiggles going through it while spinning on the wheel.

Bowl #15 – Thick white slip with some rhythmic chattering with a rubber rib while spinning on the wheel.

Bowl #16 – An ombre’ blend of white & black slip… which will probably be carved through later!

So for now all of the bowls are under plastic in my studio…
waiting for a little more… perhaps some stamping & detailing???

Categories: classes

Every season I “struggle” between wanting to be surprised with the THROWDOWN final projects… and wanting to help my students along the way. So this season they’re all working on full tea sets based on traditional fairy tales. And I am so excited to see these “parts & pieces” by Taylor.

Can you guess Taylor’s fairy tale theme yet???

Categories: classes, handbuilding

At the end of our THROWDOWN night… my pinch-pot cup & saucer found a special landing place! Smack dab on top on one of the classroom reclaim barrels!

Categories: classes, food

During our night of blindfolded fun… my LILLSTREET THROWDOWNER’s did get to take a break to enjoy another OREO favorite with their blindfolds off!!! Thanks to Becky for bringing them in!

Categories: challenge, classes, handbuilding

So here are the final sets of the “matching” cups & saucers! My THROWDOWN students killed it in this 45-minute challenge. Making pinch pot teacups & saucers that matched each other.. while BOTH players were blindfolded!!! Plenty of discussion… but built “blindly” racing the time deadline. Again, since we had an odd number of players, I had to step-in to play along!

In the end, we called in Lillstreet handbuilding teach Nicole to be our judge not knowing who made which set… and she chose Melanie & my set as the WINNER!!! whoo-hoo!!!