Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

AND WE’RE BACK!!! So the Chicago Lakefront Bike Trail finally reopened today!!!
And it was AMAZING to pedal down to the City again after three months of lockdown! Oddly, exactly the same as we had left it… no improvements, still with sections closed down due to erosion and poor path conditions. But I didn’t care too much… I was just excited to be out there this morning!!!

Sure, the Evanston Lakeshore has been a nice diversion… but it felt AMAZING to be back on the Chicago Lakefront!!! Thank You to the Mayor and my pottery student Dr. Allison Arwady for allowing us to get back on the lakefront. I just hope a bunch of “idiots” don’t ruin it for the rest of us who are willing to play within the restrictions & guidelines!

Categories: Chicago, sunset

As seen from the third floor at Lillstreet Art Center tonight.
I’m more of a sunrise guy… partially because our Chicago sunsets always have “something” in the way!

Categories: Chicago

Oh yeah, and then this happened too… a “friendly” reminder through the Public Safety Alert System sent to everyone’s phones to let us know that we’re apparently STILL under the Chicago Curfew!!! This is getting old… call me selfish… but I miss my sunrise bike rides!

Categories: Chicago, nature

Another wonderful “find” along the lakefront. I love seeing stacked rocks like these randomly along the shoreline. It make me happy to see that they have “survived” and no one has seen it necessary to topple them over! Thank you kind folks!

Okay, so just a little bit of coincidence here
I actually kinda “know” the kid who builds these here! On that morning back a week or so when we had that odd sunrise rainbow, I happened to pedal past a familiar face. It was potter Joanna Kramer who I’ve know for a few years since her days at Lillstreet Art Center. Apparently, her son is the one who builds these here!!! Who knew?… SMALL WORLD.

Categories: bike, Chicago

Another day under Chicago’s Curfew… so again, no morning sunrise ride. Luckily, I got out for a nice afternoon ride along the lake north of Chicago. A little cloudy and hazy, and more than a little bit sweaty, but still a great afternoon escape!

Okay… so maybe we don’t pay any attention to that flat rear tire in the photo?!

Categories: Chicago

After today’s protest in Chicago turned bad too… looting, arson, riots, crazy… we are now under lockdown in Chicago with a nightly curfew running indefinitely until things calm down. This just keeps getting worse…

Categories: artists, Chicago, mosaic

Making the most of a bad situation… or TWO!
Potholes AND Coronavirus!!!

Dealing with both at the same time!!!
And a lot of creativity to help us all get through this together… with a smile!
Thanks to Chicago mosaic artist Jim Bachor.

Click here for the full article on

Categories: Chicago

Two more quick shots as I was headed home… a view of the Chicago Skyline from a distance. Oh, how I long for the day when I’ll be able to ride my bike down there again along the Lakefront Bike Trail… which is currently locked-down due to the pandemic… thank you Mayor Lightfoot!!!

Categories: Chicago, collaborations, food

It’s always fun to see your pottery being used… like fresh tomatoes washed & draining in a berry bowl. Thanks to City Olive for using my work in their store! If you’re near the Andersonville neighborhood, be sure to check out City Olive on Clark for unique & artisanal gourmet olive oils & foods. They are open during these tough times with curbside pick-up or UPS delivery! So if you’re stuck at home cooking… and you want to spice it up a notch, here you go!!!

Categories: bike, Chicago, flowers, nature

After dropping off my pottery in Evanston, I continued north to “explore” more of our beautiful lakefront. I started by heading up along the Skokie Channel Park, and then over into Wilmette along their lakefront… as the Chicago lakefront is STILL on total lockdown. A beautiful day along the lake, blue skies, great breezy… nature is amazing!

Another great “escape” from the craziness going on around us… another solitary ride, another chance to get outside while carefully steering clear of everyone!!!