Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: Chicago, weather

Not much sunrise drama this morning… because all of the morning drama was hanging out low over the City. Low clouds shrouding the City’s skyline as the humidity blows through.

Categories: Chicago, photography, sunrise

Big sky drama over the lake calls for a big panoramic photo! From the colorful clouds to the Chicago skyline off in the hazy distance.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Lots of clouds, lots of potential. I was really hoping for some fun bright colors to splash across these clouds. But instead we just got drama… dark clouds, drama & wind… and a few sunbeams streaming through towards the end. Okay, I’ll take that!!!

Categories: Chicago

And yet, as much fun as it was to travel again… it always feels great to get back home. Always exciting to see the Chicago skyline as you’re flying back towards the City. The buildings, the lake, the beaches… beautiful signs to welcome me home!

Categories: Chicago, weather

The heavy dark morning clouds moved out… and were replaced by blue skies & fluffy white clouds! How could I NOT go outside for another afternoon bike ride?!

Categories: bike, Chicago, weather

And a view from the other side… the City skyline as seen from the south side down by Promontory Point. It was a very warm & steamy biking morning… you can literally see the humidity hanging out & hovering low downtown! By the time I got home I was DRIPPING!!!

Categories: Chicago

The weather this week has been nothing but perfection! So how can I possibly be expected to stay home & work on my ETSY Shop… when the other option is playing outside on my bike???!

So glad that Chicago is officially “re-opening” tomorrow! From the looks of it… Buckingham Fountain has a little bit of a head-start!!!

Categories: Chicago, sunrise, weather

And oh, but wait there’s more!!! When I made it downtown, there was this crazy-cool blanket of morning fog shrouding the lakefront area. Another wonderful sunrise bike ride… framed by fog!

Categories: Chicago

While today looks to be more on the chilly & gray side… yesterday was GLORIOUS!!! Bright sunshine, blue skies & 80-degrees! Turns out I played ALL DAY on my bike… before a late night session working at the studio. But it was more than worth it!!!

Categories: Chicago, special events

After fifteen months of being stuck at home… it felt so good to finally get away for the weekend! Sure, it may have been work-related… but it felt great to fly again now that I’m fully vaccinated. It felt almost “normal” even though I was still masked & taking extra safety precautions along the way. Oh, how I’ve missed flying!!!