Early morning breezes blowing in from the south… still a bit chilly, but hoping that we get the warm temps today as they’ve predicted!!! If so… I might just “have to” get out on my bike again for a few more miles this afternoon!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Early morning breezes blowing in from the south… still a bit chilly, but hoping that we get the warm temps today as they’ve predicted!!! If so… I might just “have to” get out on my bike again for a few more miles this afternoon!
Early morning breezes blowing in from the south… still a bit chilly, but hoping that we get the warm temps today as they’ve predicted!!! If so… I might just “have to” get out on my bike again for a few more miles this afternoon!
After yesterday’s sun & warmth… it’s kinda feeling like Spring may have finally found its way to Chicago?! This morning was markedly warmer & drier than it has been the past few weeks. So it felt great to be back out enjoying the best way to start my day!
Shadowplay. The Arch. Bikes. Three of my favorite things all came together on a street in St. Louis last night… too bad I didn’t have my bike with me!!!
And this morning did not disappoint. Still a bit chilly this morning… but big potential there too as this afternoon is supposed to go up into the upper 60’s!!! WHOO-HOO!!!
And just when we think Spring is on its way… they’re also predicting more snow for Monday… DANG!!!
Finally, a beautiful sunrise that coordinated with dry roads… no snowfall, no sleet, no rain, no melting snow… and clear skies!!! It seems like we’ve been “clouded-in” or “frozen-in” for so long! Felt so nice to get outside with a beautiful sunrise to share for a change. I’m so tired of gray… and more than ready for Spring!!!
With a ton of dark clouds to start the day… there was a glimmer of hope & a little sunrise confidence that something good would come of it. Chilly & breezy to start, but eventually… a beautiful sunrise!!!
There was a small chance for a nice sunrise, but the slight break in the clouds just wasn’t in the right place. Made the skyline look nice… but that’s about it.
It was a dark & cloudy start to my morning ride… kinda cold & gloomy… but my mood quickly improved when I found some Christmas lights that were still on to lift my holiday spirits! Loving these new sidewalk “arches” that seem to be popping up around the neighborhood.
Another colorful bike ride along the lakefront this morning.
Low-flying clouds splashed with morning colors.
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |