“Second verse, same as the first”… another murky & monochromatic morning.
Looks like the smoky haze from the Canadian wildfires is back with us for a few days… ugh.

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
“Second verse, same as the first”… another murky & monochromatic morning.
Looks like the smoky haze from the Canadian wildfires is back with us for a few days… ugh.
Another murky & monochromatic Monday morning.
My weather app showed clear & sunny this morning… they lied.
And just one quick photo… to show that my morning photos shoots don’t always go according to plan!!! But I’ll still try… and take one for the team!
So when I mentioned yesterday that I LOVE the cloudy & moody mornings… I’m not sure I meant quite this much?!!! It was pretty “drama-filled” this morning with the windy gusts, crashing waves & plenty of clouds!!!
Dramatic clouds covering the sky this morning… loving the color & the moody changes. I always prefer the dramatic cloudy mornings over the clear sky sunrises. Today was a good one!
Quiet reflections rippling on the lake. A wonderful morning with cooler temperatures, lower humidity & no smoky haze… such a great way to start the morning.
So when I checked it early this morning, my weather app said clear & sunny for the sunrise… they lied.
Okay… so there might have been a little message about poor air quality that I “may have” overlooked… as it seems like the smoke from the Canadian wildfires has blown back into town again?!
But yesterday started with the usual plan… kicking off my day the best way possible! And there was plenty of sunrise beauty to share! Great color, great reflections… and even a sliver of the moon as I started off in the morning darkness.
After the overnight rains… and the forecast for more clouds & rain this morning, I had a great plan. I was going to get up early, stay inside… focus… clean… organize… prep for next weekend’s art fair… do a LOT of projects inside… to get a bunch of stuff done today!!! And then THIS happened…
Whoops… but look… can you blame me???
Just a few clouds floating along the horizon with beautiful reflections shining on the harbor.
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |