Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike

But then there was THIS!!! Somewhere along my ride I picked-up a shard of glass – right through my tire!!! Luckily, I carry extra inner tubes & CO2 cartridges… so I was good. But upon further inspection… looks like it’s time for a new tire!!! Guess this one has had enough miles put on it… time for a new one!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another glorious morning with a good amount of cloud-cover & early sunrise potential. We started with some dark clouds & hopes for a colorful sky-show! And this morning did not disappoint. BEAUTIFUL!!!

Categories: art fair, bike, sunrise

Clear skies with just a hint of banded clouds along the horizon. There was definitely a chill in the air… so it was long sleeves & gloves!!! Crazy, right?! It definitely felt like FALL this morning!

And now, quick shower & change… and then back to ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview for Day Two of our grassroots art fair. We’d love to see you today!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Not a cloud in the sky.
Just a beautiful morning for a beautiful bike ride.

Categories: bike, sunrise

With just a sliver of sunrise… and a lot of clouds just above the horizon, it was another amazing bike ride morning! I had kinda hoped for the sun to illuminate the clouds & splash fun colors everywhere… but alas, it was not to be!

Pedal on…

Categories: bike, sunrise

Lots of clouds, but not a lot of sunrise this morning! Some dramatic cloud-cover hanging low on the horizon out over the lake. I kept hoping for some sunrise colors to splash across the clouds… but it never quite happened. So we got a lot of drama with some crashing waves to boot!

Categories: bike, sunrise

What a difference a few clouds can make when creating a beautiful sunrise. Sure, the perfectly clear sky is okay too… but I much prefer the drama, the colors & the splash of light upon the clouds. Ever-changing throughout the morning as I pedal along the lakefront. Seriously… the best way to start my day!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Striking clouds creating a colorful sunrise & moody reflections on the lake. This morning was ever-changing as the sun played amongst the clouds. Seemed like I was stopping every few minutes as the sky-show kept changing! And I didn’t mind at all… as it was STUNNING!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another beautiful sunrise with clear skies, warmer weather & smooth water perfect for some rippled reflections. A quiet & serene ride to start my day… and now it’s off to the studio to fire the soda kiln!!! At least I got to play outside a little today!

Categories: bike, seasons, sunrise

Clear skies with cool breezes. It’s the first day of September, and I hate to admit that it feels like Summer is slowly coming to an end. It was chilly enough this morning that I actually put on long sleeves! I’m not ready for this… I WANT MORE SUMMER!!!