Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, terra cotta, textures

Here it is… the first “reveal” of the collaboration project that Cory McCrory & I are working on for ART IN THE GARDEN. I constructed the birdhouses with textured terra cotta slabs… and now Cory is embellishing them with her own sense of whimsy & fun! Her attachments are adorable… and I can’t wait to see them in COLOR!!!

For more details about ART IN THE GARDEN… click here…

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, terra cotta, textures

More parts & pieces being added to our collaboration pieces! Looks like Cory McCrory has been busy playing with some terra cotta… much different than her usual paper clay… to make some whimsical additions to my textured part of the collaboration! Can’t wait for the “big reveal” next weekend at ART IN THE GARDEN!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, mosaic

And here it is… one of the collaborations between Kristin Conneely and myself finally coming together. I gave her the stamped frames almost a year ago at last year’s ART IN THE GARDEN. I’m loving that she took on the “collab-challenge” and has come through and made this beautiful masterpiece! I can’t wait to see this one-of-a-kind mosaic piece in person next weekend at this year’s ART IN THE GARDEN!!!

For more info…

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, platters, porcelain, sgraffito

Just a little sneak peek at some of the “characters” who will be showing up at ART IN THE GARDEN next weekend! Metalsmith Amy Taylor has been working on a few of my porcelain platters doing some adorable sgraffito carvings as part of our collaboration project. She’s created a whole menagerie to share with us at ART IN THE GARDENcan’t wait to show them off in-person!

More info –

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, handbuilding, terra cotta

Another “sneak peek” into the ART IN THE GARDEN collaborations… this time it’s a glimpse into Cory McCrory’s studio! And some of the parts & pieces that she’s making to add onto our terra cotta birdhouses! I can’t wait to see how her whimsical handbuilding skills add to my birdhouses! Big debut next weekend in Glenview!

More info –

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, mosaic

After seeing some of the progress that Kristin Conneely was making on our collaboration projects… I threw her a last-minute curve ball… and gave her a third frame to fill with her beautiful mosaics! You know how we all work better with a deadline!!! Can’t wait to see what she does with THIS one!!!

ART IN THE GARDEN : September 9th & 10th in Glenview

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, stamped, terra cotta, textures

So here are my birdhouses for ART IN THE GARDEN… and oh, but wait there’s more… they are also part of a fun collaboration project. My buddy Cory McCrory is now going to work her whimsical magic on these birdhouses… adding her own special sense of humor, whimsy & color to each of them. I can’t wait to see what she does from here!!! Come to ART IN THE GARDEN on September 9th & 10th to see the final results in person!

Categories: art fair, artists, mosaic

Looks like it’s all pieced together… so many cool parts & pieces… including some of my handmade soda-fired beads. Well done Kristin! Now I can’t wait to see it in my ceramic frame!!! Collaboration fun for ART IN THE GARDEN.

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, mosaic, stamped

Looks like Kristin is making some great progress in piecing together a beautiful mosaic for ART IN THE GARDEN. It’s a fun collaboration with one of my stamped frames to contain her “mosaic magic.” Can’t wait to see it in person in Glenview on September 9th & 10th… it’s one-of-a-kind… and it might go fast!!!

Categories: artists, special events

Tonight was a fun night along the lakefront… as it was the FULL MOON FIRE JAM at Foster Street Beach. A fun fire celebration held throughout the summer for every full moon. It’s a collection of fire twirlers, fire jugglers, fire breathers & pretty much anyone else who plays with fire! It has been going on for years… and it just keeps getting bigger & bigger! Didn’t hurt any that tonight as a Super Blue Moon also!