Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations

Looks like Cory isn’t the only one who is working on her part of the collaborations… metalsmith Amy Taylor is doing her part here! A small glimpse of her masterpiece of a collaboration… and MORE to come!!! Can’t wait to see what everyone is doing for ART IN THE GARDEN!!! I just love having talented friends!!!

For more…

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations

Looks like my pal Cory McCrory has been making a few little parts & pieces for our ART IN THE GARDEN collaboration… okay, one of TWO collaboration projects we’re doing together!!! I can’t wait to see her creative solutions to my “challenge” come together this weekend in Glenview! Stop by Saturday & Sunday from 10am-5pm for the “Big Reveal.”

Categories: art fair, artists, mosaic

Looks like Kristin Conneely has been working her “mosaic magic” getting for this weekend’s ART IN THE GARDEN in Glenview. We’ll be gathering at a new location just down the street from last year for this wonderful grassroots art fair! Not only will Kristin’s mosaics be there… but I also know that we’re doing a couple collaboration pieces just for this art fair!!!

Check it out at

Categories: artists, collaborations, handbuilding, process, production, textures

Not to be outdone… looks like my “cohort in collaboration” Cory McCrory has been working on her small plates too?! Looks like this collaboration is coming together nicely!!! Lots of parts & pieces in the works!!!

Categories: art fair, artists, friends, mosaic

Looks like our mosaic artist is up to something cool. I sent Kristin Conneely a bunch of my soda-fired beads to play with… and she is!!! I can’t wait to see what kind of final collaboration pieces she comes up with for ART IN THE GARDEN! These collaborations are one of the things that makes ART IN THE GARDEN so much fun… and there are several different ones in the works! Can’t wait to see them all in person the last weekend of August in Glenview!

Please disregard the missing word on Kristin’s post…
too many beads, not enough words… HA!!!!

Categories: artists, production, wheelthrowing

Well, apparently today was “small plate day”!!! Lots of bats. Lots of small plates. Just getting one step closer to ART IN THE GARDEN… still working on my collaboration project with my “cohort” Cory McCrory!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, friends

Looks like Retta Hentschel is getting ready to have some fun with my lidded jars! Making magic happen as only she can… getting ready for ART IN THE GARDEN. These unique collaboration projects are one of the many things that make this art fair so special… August 29th & 30th in Glenview!

For more information… and some more pretty pictures…

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations, porcelain, soda-fired, stamped

Well, my part of these collaboration pieces are soda-fired & done… and I’ve got five of My Talented Friends who’ve agreed to collaborate with them for ART IN THE GARDEN. Amy, Cory, Ken, Kristin & Retta will all be working “their magic” with them as special one-of-a-kind collaborations only for this special grassroots art show!

More to come I’m sure…
as I can’t wait to see what each of them do to finish off my lidded jars!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations

Very exciting to see that one of my fellow ART IN THE GARDEN artists is already planning his part of the collaboration! Woodworker Ken Staggs busy at work on his first “prototype” idea!

Categories: art fair, artists, friends, mosaic

Looks like my mosaic friend Kristin Conneely is playing around with some of my soda-fired beads… working towards some new collaboration pieces for ART IN THE GARDEN!!! I can’t wait to see what she finally comes up with when we have the “Big Reveal” at the art fair on the last week of August in Glenview.