Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: Chicago, seasons

The snow & wind continued through the night. And it was exciting to get outside
today to see what happened overnight. A lot of drifting snow… that’s what!

The streets were covered with snow drifts that covered many of the cars. And then
the snowplows had come through and piled even more up against the sides. Nice, huh?
There were cars everywhere enveloped in a shroud of beautiful white snow.

But then the shoveling began. I tackled my own car with enthusiasm & vigor… and luckily,
my neighbors Mia & Melanie were right there willing to help. We shoveled out enough
to get into the car, start it up, and then I continued to shovel more out. By the time I
finished mine, I felt victorious as the first in a long line of shoveling to come!

Some people have said that I can be a little obsessive-compulsive…
who knew it would show up in my shoveling projects as well? But it did.
And I now have the cleanest and most well-shoveled little parking space on the street!
That is at least until the plow comes by again or the wind kicks back in?! And now
that I’ve shoveled it all out, I’m actually considering the age-old Chicago “trick”
of blocking the space when I pull out with a lawn chair or something else to claim it
for myself. I’ve never done it before – with a storm like this, it might be worth it?!

It was great to see so many of my neighbors out this afternoon working together
and shoveling out anyone who needed help. And after I finished shoveling, it was
still quite beautiful around the neighborhood. Including my now snow-covered,
ceramic Captain America PEZ Dispenser in the back courtyard!

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