So I’ve been working on a “new” item for the holidays…
somewhat “traditional” wheelthrown, soda-fired Christmas ornaments made out of clay!
I’ve been working on a batch of twenty… and I’m not sure if I’ll have time to make more
OR if this batch is even going to work?! It’s still very much a “work in progress.”
So at this point, it’s looking like these 20 may be considered a “limited edition.”
So I still need to decorate them more, add the tops to hang them by… and figure out
how they’re even going to be placed in the kiln for firing?! Still a lot of work… and still
VERY much a work in progress! But I’m excited… and hoping to have them ready
in time for my next soda kiln… which is firing off two weeks from today!
Hey, those look good, Gary. Cone 10 redux, or soda>
Could you make a large “bead” rack from
bricks and Kanthal wire and hang them to fire? Or somethin?
These are really fun, Gary! (As in, oo, I wish I’d thought of that!) What scale are they? Could a wadding dot on the base somehow be incorporated into the deco?
Ah, I’ve finally reached all the way back to your first post on these beauties! I still have no idea how you attach the caps, but I have plenty of pictures for my ‘inspirations’ board on pinterest!