For this week’s LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class,
I decided to introduce my students to one of the most under-rated & frequently forgotten tools at Lillstreet… THE EXTRUDER! So after a quick demo on how to actually assemble and use the extruder.. they were challenged to make two matching mugs with the extruder as their primary tool! A bit overwhelming when you’ve never used and extruder… and then see that there are so many options!
And then they started extruding… realizing it wasn’t quite as easy as I had made it look.. and putting all their weight behind it…
And then realizing that teaming-up and working together might be the better plan!
Once they had their parts & pieces extruded, it was time to start assembling their mugs!
Dave with a very measured & precise approach…
Whereas Donna started with one plan of assembling vertical extrusions…
But then changed her technique in mid-stream…