Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: artists, pottery, special events

Cold & rainy… but it didn’t dampen our spirits. We trudged out to see a LOT of pots!

The St. Croix River Valley Pottery Tour is a wonderful chance to see some of the country’s
most celebrated potters all in one day… or two… or three. With seven different studio potters
opening their doors and inviting others, there are seven locations and forty-four potters
within close proximity. The tour is Friday, Saturday & Sunday. We did pretty good today –
and made it to all of the studios except for one. I’m continuing the tour tomorrow with
my friends Amy & Emily – making a second trip to each of them!

We started today at the studio of Bob Briscoe It’s a beautiful location off in the woods,
overlooking a little pond. The yard is lways full of large white tents full of pottery…
and tables & benches all around with even more pottery! Everywhere you look…
pottery!!! By some of the biggest names.

Including one of my very favorite potters… Matthew Metz. Typically you only get to
see his work, one or two pieces in a gallery, or on the pages of Ceramics Monthly. So
it’s always such a treat to see so much of his work all in one place! And have a chance
to look through them all and decide which “one?” you need to add to the collection.

And just for the record… while we’re sharing stories… I now own one of these beautiful jars!!!
Just to add to my “Matthew Metz Collection” already at home!

Other favorites… Steven Hill, Simon Levin, Suze Lindsay, Dan Anderson… the list goes on!

And these miniature porcelain vessels… so sweet, so small, so refined.
They remind me a LOT of the ceramic work by my friend Roberta Polfus!

New on the pottery tour this year, my parents’ new favorite potter: Ellen Grenadier!
Her work is a beautiful combination of slip, leaf impressions, stains and glazes.
The delicate details of the leaves are crisp & clean and quite elegant draped across the pots.

We continued the tour through the chilling rain. We made it to all but one of the studios.
At the last of our studio visits for the day, that of Guillermo Cuellar, I also met up with my
friend Amy Higgason. It was a lot of fun to get caught up, discuss the pottery and
“share our opinions” on some of the pieces. She used to be a potter at Lillstreet, but has
now moved up to Rhinelander area in Northern Wisconsin. She continues to make
beautiful pottery – check out her Pigeon Road Pottery website.

Each of the locations has its own style, its own artists, its own personality. My favorite
little bit of “personality” today was the brilliance shown at Connee Mayeron’s studio!
A little “creative problem solving” to keep the customers dry…


C Yalater

May 8th, 2010

WOW, those Metz jars ARE great looking in your pictures; they rarely look that interesting in Ceramic Monthly, perhaps because of the lighting and the formal setting. I’d like to buy one too, after seeing your pics. I bet you picked the one on the left to take home?

May 9th, 2010

bing, bing, bing… we have a winner!!! you are correct… it is indeed the jar on the left that is now part of my own permanent collection. Good guess. How did you know?

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