Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: nature, seasons

Sure, I’ve been enjoying the beautiful icicles & formations on my back porch.
Admiring & sharing. Embracing the cold. Appreciating nature.

I never really imagined what was happening three floors down… SOLID ICE!!!
Well, today I finally went around to take a look at the not-so-pretty side of the ice.

Apparently the gutters are frozen and overflowing, creating cascading waterfalls freezing down the sides of our building…. and piling up all over our back porch steps. Treacherous. It’s going to take quite awhile for this mess to melt away!

And it’s not only the main stairs… it’s the steps going down to the basement as well. Those steps are covered over with inches of ice, and end in a solid sheet of ice! Ice everywhere. Get your skates ready!!!

1 Comment


February 12th, 2014

I feel like you are the male version of me. I love art and I teach a handbuilding class at a fine arts center – this quarter is intermediate “preparing pieces for soda firing”. I like to make sure my students really learn during class – I enjoy seeing their progress and spending time in a studio and being surrounded by art/artists is one of my favorite things in the world. I am a graphics coordinator for a large corporation and most of my time is spent coordinating other graphic artists, etc. – but, I share your philosophy that I mainly do things that are fun! I have only had the chance to read a handful of your posts, but I am a great fan of rusty metal, stamped and carved texture, organization and interesting art. I look forward to reading more posts and thinking to myself “Wow! That’s another thing we have in common!” Have enjoyed it immensely! Thank you!

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