It’s always refreshing & encouraging to find out that someone out there is actually reading my blog. And that somehow, in some small way, my endless ramblings & photos might just be inspiring someone to play with their clay. I received this very sweet e-mail yesterday from a fan in Colorado. Warm fuzzies and visual proof that she’s tried some of my bowl demos! Thank you Roberta for reaffirming the reason I keep blogging! Here’s her letter…
Hi Gary! My name is Roberta. I live in Colorado. I am not even certain how I happened upon your blog, but I did, and I am so impressed with your positive energy and joy for everything you do. (I have it bookmarked now!) Because I am trying to learn everything I can about clay, I decided to try some of your rims that you had your class doing in the pictures.
I hope you don’t mind if I play with some of your ideas, and try to learn from you. If I were in Illinois, I would be in one of your classes! And yes, it probably looks like I took these pics on the hood of the truck! It was right next to the shop where I fire and glaze!! I also have to say I am a big fan of your photography!
Thank you for your uplifting presence on the Internet and the clay world!
I’m new around these parts too because I was looking for some ornament ideas. I’m a subscriber now! You’re one hell of an artist!