After setting up in Hinsdale, I made it home in time to put some finishing touches on a few more new ClayQuilts. Arranging my handmade tiles onto boards to hang on the wall. Glueing them down so they’re dried and ready to take to the art fair in the morning. You know how tough it is to make them look so random???
They look marvellous; can i ask you about the painting process and type of paints do u use.
AREEJ – These are actually not “painted.” The clay tiles are covered with colored slip before firing. It’s actually a thin layer of colored clay painted onto the top surface of the raw clay. That slip then becomes reactive to the soda firing process. Each tile is handmade, and the randomness of the soda firing process accentuates the randomness of the tile textures & color finish.
Do you make these tiles for individuals to purchase? I would be interested in purchasing them. Please let me know.
Thanks, Cheryl
CHERYL – I do make a lot of tiles. Many of them are placed on boards to become ClayQuilts. Others are used in installation pieces. But yes, of course there are always extras around for purchasing by individuals. Just let me know what colors & quantity you might be thinking about and we can start to work something out. For more timely responses, send me an e-mail directly instead of a blog Comment. Thanks… gary@firewhenreadypottery.com