Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike

Windy. Windy. Windy… but this time – going in the “good” direction!
We actually had a strong tailwind most of the day! And loved it…

Today had two high points promised on the cue sheet – and neither one
failed to impress us along the way! The tallest waterfall & the biggest ball of twine!!!
Welcome to the Northwoods!!!… it’s crazy up here!

In Pattison State Park, we stopped off for a quick walk to see the tallest waterfall
in Wisconsin – a full 165-feet tall. We’ve seen a lot of waterfalls this week… each one
promising to be better, bigger, wider, fuller, deeper, larger, greater, etc. than the rest!


Shortly after the waterfall, we hit a great stretch of road… smooth & great tailwind.
I was pedaling easily and cruising at about 28mph. Loving it. Flying with the wind.
In the moment…. loving the speed… enjoying the wind… and then all of a sudden…
bang, blast, psssttt…. thump, thump, thump… a total tire blow-out!!!
Yep, I blew right through my rear tire!!! Not a little… a lot – all the way through!
So I was then stopped on the side of the road watching riders fly by, as I waited for the
bike mechanic’s truck to come by and help. They finally showed up and luckily had a
new tire for me. As they were changing the tire, I asked them what the average life
expectancy of bike tire is… and they replied about 2,000 miles. Well… since I was
well over double that mileage on these tires, I guess it was somehow inevitable?!
Once it was fixed – Chris & I were back on the road… ready to fly again with the wind!

Then, and oh but wait there’s more... we got to see the Largest Ball of Twine!!!
And a whole lot of crazy going on…




And here’s John… one of “The Boys”… standing in front of the ball of twine and showing
off his school’s T-shirt as part of his “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” tour!!!


So the guy has been collecting twine and weaving it for the past twenty-some years!
Trying to beat the competition and the other crazies out there making twine balls.
And yet… he’s already started another ball… which he calls “Junior.”
Like I said… there’s a whole lot of crazy going on!

1 Comment

C. Yalater

July 19th, 2009

Yes, “a whole lot of crazy,” but still a beautiful and interesting object. Probably would make a lot of BF and MFA owners jealous. Great pictures, GJ, nice to see that some of real America still exists, and that everything is not yet regulated, manicured, and “PC’d” out of existence.

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