Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, process, production

So I just looked at my calendar… and had a momentary panic
when I realized that “Art In The Barn” is just a week away.

Sure, I’ve got plenty of work from my latest soda kiln…
but I always think I need to make more. And I’ve got a couple days, right?!
So why not put the pedal to the metal and make some things quick!

Tonight I threw a LOT of pieces!!! Multi-tasking between stoneware & terra cotta.
Trying my best to not contaminate one or the other too much. I really thought
I needed to make more Halloween novelties in time for “Art In The Barn.”
But, I was pretty sure I can’t make enough to fil the entire electric kiln, so why not
make some more ovals as well? You know how I love making ovals…
almost as much as making mugs?!!!

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