Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, pottery, process

Tonight we focused on making basic bowls… on purpose!
So instead of “embracing” that cylinder gone bad that happened to turn into a bowl…
this time trying to make a “real” bowl on purpose! And then making it your own!!!
So we made bowls, and then I demonstrated how to make each of them different
with some altered rims & slip decorations.

So I threw ten bowls. All basically the same. Basically round. Basically plain.
The my goal was to overwhelm then all with some quick tricks to make them special!!!

A simple fluted rim… and the basic bowl with a “dragonscale tool” flower in the bottom!

With a flanged rim… and then a flanged & fluted rim.

With a split-rim that I pinched together… and another split-rim that I squared off.

Bad photo… but this one was shaped using a rib that I cut out of an expired credit card.
And then I introduced colored slip as a decorative. Starting with a spiral dragged through!

Slip chattering.. and a slip stencil using a “2” cut out of the newspaper!

So now they’re in my studio, waiting to be stamped, accented & trimmed.
But I’m going to be gone for the weekend for ART DETOUR. So I’ll be wrapping them up
extra tight with soaking wet sponges under the plastic… and hoping that they stay wet!

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