Well, the new session of classes began tonight at Lillstreet Art Center.
My Tuesday night class for beginning & advanced beginning wheelthrowing started
tonight with a full classroom of 18 students. Several of my students this time around
are new to clay, or at least haven’t done anything in clay for several years! They were
a little frustrated tonight… as most beginners are. I kept reassuring them that centering
is the hardest part, and each week it would get easier & easier. Trust me…
It was also great to see so many familiar faces in my class. Surprisingly, I have a lot
of returning students in class. And not any returning from the last session. Frequently,
I have a lot of students who just keep coming back. This time, I have students who have
returned after a couple-session hiatus! Including Pam, Ben, Janet, Nadine, Chris…
plus Martin & Christi who actually moved to North Carolina a couple years ago…
and suddenly, without any advanced notice, they show up in class again this session!
Apparently they missed me, and my class, so they had to move back to Chicago…
or at least that’s MY version of the story and I’m sticking to it.