Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: challenge, classes

As we get close to the end of the Winter session at Lillstreet Art Center, another “season” of my LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class is quickly coming to an end. This past week was Week 9… and the last class for a bunch of crazy-fun competitions! Twenty to be exact!!!

So I set -up the room before everyone got there… separating the tables into challenge” clue & presentation” areas. Each section also had a folded clue attached. Hidden clues… no peeking!

So they all paired up into teams. Each player blindly choosing a different challenge clue. And then they could discuss their strategy & determine who would tackle each of their challenges. When they finished one task, they would then choose another clue and continue on. They had two hours to complete as many of the challenges as they could while working together or separately. There was a LOT of production going on all over the room… lots of handbuilding, lots of wheelthrowing… LOTS OF FUN!!!

As they finished a task, they got to choose their next challenge. Maybe with a little strategy… pick a new one…. or choose a challenge that someone else has already done, but you think you could do even better? Remember, only one winner per category!!!

Let the games begin!!!

Number One : Make an “ostrich” egg

Number Two : Replicate the glass bottle shape… disregarding the texture on the sides.

Number Three : Replicate the oval bowl.

Number Four : Make a free-standing cylinder 15″ tall

Number Five : Throw an 11″ dinner plate on the wheel

Number 6 : Make a pair of dice.

Number 7 : Matching coils each 24″ long

Number 8 : A hand-pulled slab at 15″ square smooth, flat & even.

Number 9 : Match the red votive cup three times throwing off-the-hump.
whoops… missed a photo?!

Number 10 : Make the :”best” spiral.

Number 11 : Recreate and OREO cookie

Number 12 : Create a chain with at least 20 consistent links

Number 13 : Create some cutlery – make a knife, fork & spoon.

Number 14 : Make a wheelthrown one-piece citrus juicer

Number 15 : Roll a coil and then tie a traditional Celtic knot.

Number 16 : Throw a 12″ wide serving bowl with a well-defined interior curve

Number 17 : Make at least 21 pieces of “Lucky Charms” cereal

Number 18 : Create a perfect sphere with a 22″ circumference.
whoops… my bad, no photos?!

Number 19 : Make a miniature bentwood cabaret chair at least 6″ tall
what was I thinking?… missed another one?!

Number 20 : Wheel throw a Christmas tree… and decorate it too!

And that’s that… okay, so I missed a few photos along the way. Sue me.

At the end, we discussed them all challenge-by-challenge. Determining as a group who the winning team for each challenge. Lots of points awarded tonight leading into the Big Finale this week when they present their big “final” project… the full teapot set based on their chosen Fairy Tales!

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