Looks like the fortune cookie search has begun!!!
Allison & Michael were out at Illinois Beach State Park today searching in the bitter cold.
Let the fortune cookies be found!!!
From Allison…
“Don’t be mad at us!!! We found FOUR fortune cookies this morning but only took THREE. Decided to leave the fourth one even though my body had trouble resisting! Figured one for me, one for Michael, and the third one for Mamma Molloy. My Dad plans on going on a hike tomorrow morning with Ricky if they can tolerate the cold. It was bitter WINDY from the west and DARN cold!! My face was beet red in the end but I persisted. Decided to check out both the northerly route and main beach space.”
“Pretty sure I saw a fellow scavenger hunter in a white coat who likely got the little birdhouse one & one you may have put at a pavilion in the northern sand dunes area. Pretty sure she must know you directly!! We didn’t converse though because she was far off from where I was but I saw her inspecting things only like a fortune cookie hunter would!!!“
“And I had to take the third one we found because it was on the back post of a turtle crossing sign and my spirit animal has been a turtle since high school!!! I’ll likely make a post about it, too! Hope you’ve heard from others! One of my favorite traditions I’ve the last, what 4 or 5 years now?“
“Apollo was checking them out when I returned from delivering artwork to a shop! He was a VERY curious cat indeed.”
So that’s three down… twenty-two more to go!
Has anyone else been out there searching yet???
Send me photos when you find’ em!!!