Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

With today being a national holiday, I had a little extra time to pedal further this morning. So after the sunrise colors dissipated & the sun retreated behind the clouds, I continued south down to Promontory Point. It was then that the clouds lit up & splashed across the sky. Layers of puffy clouds… some light, some dark… creating dramatic contrast in the sky & on the water.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another warm & steamy morning… with beautiful colors on the horizon. Sure, there was a good deal of cloud-cover too… but luckily, the sun had a few moments to play & intermingle with the clouds. Nice colors. Beautiful morning ride.

Categories: nature, textures

I’m really liken’ the lichen! The colors, the textures & the contrasts.
Another perfectly natural focus for another Texture Tuesday!

Categories: bike, sunrise

It’s gonna be another hot one! We had some beautiful clouds this morning. So it was a bit cooler & breezier to start the day. With no glaring sunshine to make it feel even hotter. But the prediction for today’s heat wave says otherwise… so hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Looks like Lora is enjoying her new blue stamped & soda-fired mug that she picked-up during the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR. Perfect for another Mugshot Monday… but what day is groovy-cool coaster day???

Categories: weather

While driving to the studio about an hour ago…
my car said it was pretty darn HOT in Chicago today!!!

Categories: mugs, stamped

Congratulations to Jody & Ira who are celebrating their 25th anniversary… with some quiet time together with their morning coffee ritual in a couple of stamped & glazed mugs!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Hot & sweaty… a bit of a hazy & humid morning. Not a good sign when it is already in the 80’s at sunrise?! Today is going to be a HOT one! Stay safe & stay hydrated! I went through two water bottles during my ride this morning… I drank one, and poured the other one over my head!!!

Categories: bowls, food, holiday

Looks like Kristy is celebrating NATIONAL FUDGE DAY today… and trying to stay just a little bit healthy?! A dollop of homemade yogurt & fresh strawberries… and just a squirt of hot fudge!!! Looks yummy Kristy!

Categories: nature, textures

Late afternoon sun highlighting the colors & textures of a large begonia plant on my front porch.