Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: artists, mugs

So I had a bit of regret for NOT snagging a fun new mug from Breana Ferreira during the Friday Night Opening Party in Aurora for the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR. But then I saw small table at Lillstreet with a pop-up moving sale as Breana is moving to Tennessee for a new artist residency. So I scored this great little mug… for a great “moving sale” price!!! Loving the textures & colors!!!

You can check-out more of Breana’s work on her Instagram… @brebreanam

Categories: flowers, nature

Sure, it might just be a weed… but doesn’t it count more if it’s a “pretty” weed? I’m really digging these purple thistle flowers… and the pointed “crown” around the bottom of the flowers!

Categories: sunrise

The morning started out a bit hazy, but with much better temperatures in the mid-70s… such a nice break from the overbearing heatwave. But you can definitely tell that the humidity & temps are both going to rise today to make it another steamy day… seems “perfect” for the official FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!!!

Categories: artists, My Talented Friends

Last Friday night, My Talented Friend Cheryl Holz had an Opening Reception in Aurora… right around the corner from the Opening Reception for the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR at the Aurora location. Coincidentally on the same night, but a great chance to see her wonderful work hanging on the gallery walls. I love her work… the colors, the textures, the multi-media collages, and now… oh, but wait there’s more... hand-sculpted, three-dimensional birds perched inside her paintings!

For more about Cheryl’s paintings…

Even more coincidental… Cheryl took a workshop with Deana Bada Maloney to learn how to sculpt & paint the birds… and Deana was showing her ceramic masterpieces at the Sandwich location of the Pottery Tour too!!! Small world, huh?!

Categories: clay, holiday, tools

Huge THANKS to DiamondCore Tools for celebrating NATIONAL CLAY WEEK… and for spotlighting some of my work in their latest e-mail blast. You know I’ve loved my DiamondCore Tools from the very start… and it has been great to see their product lines continue to grow & change with us potters in mind! Whether you’re carving, trimming, grinding or smoothing… DiamondCore Tools will have what you need!!! And what better way to celebrate NATIONAL CLAY WEEK than with some new pottery tools?!

Categories: holiday, platters, stamped

Not only is today JUNETEENTH… but it is also the last day of NATIONAL CLAY WEEK… who knew?! So I hope you’ve taken some time to play in the clay, admire some ceramics or enjoyed your meals off of some handmade pottery this week! You still have time today… and send me photos if you use any of my pottery today! Enjoy today’s holidays!

Categories: color

A beautiful stained glass window. Catching sun & throwing highlights & textures everywhere. Just one of the many pieces of art in Cory’s house… my favorite host of the NORTHERN ILLINOIS POTTERY TOUR!!! Thanks for letting me stay out there in Sandwich… so fun to hang-out with you all weekend.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

With today being a national holiday, I had a little extra time to pedal further this morning. So after the sunrise colors dissipated & the sun retreated behind the clouds, I continued south down to Promontory Point. It was then that the clouds lit up & splashed across the sky. Layers of puffy clouds… some light, some dark… creating dramatic contrast in the sky & on the water.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another warm & steamy morning… with beautiful colors on the horizon. Sure, there was a good deal of cloud-cover too… but luckily, the sun had a few moments to play & intermingle with the clouds. Nice colors. Beautiful morning ride.

Categories: nature, textures

I’m really liken’ the lichen! The colors, the textures & the contrasts.
Another perfectly natural focus for another Texture Tuesday!